Background to this is a bought an alarm for my Bike and have decided to use a feature on it as a remote start [ yes boys and toys ].
So i have it all working but have an issue with it, The current travels to the kill switch/starter switch as shown below, activating the start switch, NOT GOOD.
SO i need a diode, now not being very technical i thought i would pick up a 5mm 12v LED and wire this in. This way it will prevent the current from travelling the wrong directiong, but allow the correct current through when it is needed.
Now the issue is with this LED. I have fitted it in line with the power supply of the ignition coils. With the main switch used it lights the LED, but seems to lack power for the coils. If i remove the LED it fires just fine.
It seems like the LED is sapping enough power to stop it fireing , although my understanding was they take very little.
If im correct a standard diode would give me the block i need and alo would not draw anything from the charge going through it ?
If that is correct any suggestions on what type of diode i need ?
Its a 12v system, thats all it needs to carry, i just dont have much of an idea.
Would be purchasing from Maplin as its local.
So any help is appreciated.
EDIT : Please excuse the rather crewd circuit, but thougth ti may help explain what i've done.
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So i have it all working but have an issue with it, The current travels to the kill switch/starter switch as shown below, activating the start switch, NOT GOOD.
SO i need a diode, now not being very technical i thought i would pick up a 5mm 12v LED and wire this in. This way it will prevent the current from travelling the wrong directiong, but allow the correct current through when it is needed.
Now the issue is with this LED. I have fitted it in line with the power supply of the ignition coils. With the main switch used it lights the LED, but seems to lack power for the coils. If i remove the LED it fires just fine.
It seems like the LED is sapping enough power to stop it fireing , although my understanding was they take very little.
If im correct a standard diode would give me the block i need and alo would not draw anything from the charge going through it ?
If that is correct any suggestions on what type of diode i need ?
Its a 12v system, thats all it needs to carry, i just dont have much of an idea.
Would be purchasing from Maplin as its local.
So any help is appreciated.
EDIT : Please excuse the rather crewd circuit, but thougth ti may help explain what i've done.
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