Motion Capture System

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I just completing my ultrasonic motion detector project. After completion of that projectct ,I want to start new project "Motion Capture System". I am learning 3dmax animation software for 4 years. When i came to motion capture animation section, i really feel that i should also make small cost effective motion capture system below $500. I search everywhere in google, but didn't got electronics circuit for this. I want to build such motion capture system (Using Sensor) which will take motion of character (Say my own hand moving up and down) and convert it into mocap(suitable format for any animation software) file so i can used with my own created charaters to animate them.

I need to build this project because of me and 4 freinds trying to make short animation film within 6 to 8 months, and we don't have that much money to pay for single motion capture system. Like gypsy motion capture cost above $2000 just for one character motion . My project will sense 6 dimentional motion of atleast of 6 characters within 30*30 meter range. It should o/p mocap file to PC.

If i succeed to build this project i will post my project detail as well as my animation clips on this site. If you know cost effective way to build such system , please let me know .

Thanks in advance !
The easiest method and one very popular for motion capture is just using black suits and brightly colored balls on the key joints. It's not simple but if more than one camera shot at known locations you can triangulate the position of any ball in 3 dimensional space. Usually this is done in software but I don't know what software packages are available out there to do this inexpensivly.
Zabar Dast.

U r realeated to electronics??

I am the student of electronics but i also use 3Ds Max just for fun..
I am also intrested in making a low coast motion detector system for playing games in virtual reality.
I am student and not have enough money therefore i never try to build some thing like this.

U can use Flex sensor for detecting the motion of bents(elbow, neck, arm)..

Also fill ur location..

May this help u..
Thx "Sceadwian" & "Zabar Dast" for reply. I am final year student of B.Tech electronics and telecommunication. I have hobby of using latest electronics gadgets as well playing games and creating animation. My 3 friends not related to electronics, (2 are from computer science, 1 from medical science BAMS and 1 from my own branch studying in 3rd year). We allready decided to enter in animation buissness when we complete our degree. So i have to solve all problem related to electronics equipments that we will need to make small animation movie.
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