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Anyone have a Datasheet or any other info on this 16 pin Dip, Integrated Circuit?
It was made by "Mostek".
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Here's all I have: Note it is all text. No pinout supplied, no parametrics.

"The MK5175 is a monolithic integrated ten-number repertory dialer manufactured using Mostek's Silicon gate CMOS process. The circuit accepts keyboard inputs and provides te pulses and mute logic levels required for loop disconnect signaling. For DTMF signaling, the MK5175 may be interfaced with Mostek's Tone Generators.

The circuit will function in either Pullse or Tone mode, dependent on Pin 2. The interpretation of several inputs and outputs is dependent on the mode selected.

[modes omitted]

An on-chip RAM is capable of storing 10 sixteen-digit telephone numbers including the last number dialed. When used in a PABX system, a pause (# key) may be stored. The dialer will pause and stop intil a "continue" (# key) is received.

The MK5175 uses a standardized pinout common to all Mostek tone and pulse dialers. This will facilitate the design of a family of products....
Ic producers sometimes changes the names of ics for special ordering. For example your ic is mk5175 but they chanced the name for device producers for their request but that ic orginally name is mk5100. First look to mostek web page and product page. Look to all 16 pin ics and note all of them or copy paste to a word doc. And later take you pcb board if you find gnd and vdd pin next step you can follow the pcb circuit wich pins goes where. understand good of connections. And later one by one you have to check 16 pins ics datasheets for comparing first with gnd and vdd pins if pins connection fitting with those ics you are going good.
Dont forget search with your pcb and compare with datasheet tactic.

Thanks Guys For the REPLYS.

I have 3 of these, all brand new, But I couldn't remember Why or when I got them.
Anyway, I definately don't have any use for them now.

So if anyone wants them, they can have them for free. (except Possibly the shipping Cost)

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