Dragon Tamer
I was working on a circuit of min yesterday, it uses a lot of components and a couple of fans. the problem is that my 12v dc relay won't trigger because either the voltage or the current is too low. The relay is triggered by a 3904 transistor that is in turn driven by the out put of a LM2902 quad comparator. the problem that I am really concerned about is the fact that when the fans are triggered (by a different part of the circuit, but the same power supply) there is a certain amount of voltage that disapers. IE: the 12 volts may drop to 11.1 volts depending on the fan. This completely contradicts the law that voltage rise = voltage drop (the power supply is rated for 450mA, the small fan consumes 150mA and the large fan was rated at 430mA although it really consumes something like 100mA). One more question, not to be anoying, I was doing a supper position lab for my electronics class, my calculations and my measurements didn't match for the current through one of the resistors. If you want the circuit diagram then you will have to wait till I can find it.