MikroBasic Help

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program Speedometer

dim cnt as word
dim _ones as byte
dim _tens as byte
dim _hund as byte

sub function Mask(dim num as byte) as byte    ' this function returns masks
  select case num                             ' for common cathode 7-seg. display
    case 0  result = 252
    case 1  result = 48
    case 2  result = 218
    case 3  result = 122
    case 4  result = 54                  '00110110
    case 5  result = 110                  '01101110
    case 6  result = 238                 '11101110
    case 7  result = 56                   '00111000
    case 8  result = 254                   '11111110
    case 9  result = 126                    '01111110
  end select                                  'case end
end sub

sub procedure interrupt
    cnt = cnt + 1
    if _hund > 0 then
      PortA.1 = 0
      PortB = Mask(_hund)
    End if
    PortA.1 = 1
    if _tens = 0 then
       if _hund > 0 then
         PortA.2 = 0
         PortB = Mask(_tens)
       end if
      PortA.2 = 0
      PortB = Mask(_tens)
    end if
    PortA.2 = 1
    if _tens = 0 then
       if _ones <> 0 then
          PortA.3 = 0
          PortB = Mask(_ones)
       end if
        PortA.3 = 0
        PortB = Mask(_ones)
    end if
    PortA.3 = 1
    TMR0 = 96
    INTCON = $20
end sub

    Option_reg = $84
    'Initialize Ports
    TrisB = %00000001
    TrisA = 0
    PortB = 254
    PortA = %00000
    'Flash for power check
    PortA = %11111
    'Set variables
    _ones = 0
    _tens = 0
    _hund = 0
    'Initialize Timer
    TMR0 = 96
    INTCON = $A0
    cnt = 0
    while True
        If PortB.0 = 0 then
          if (cnt = 1) then
             _ones = _ones + 1
             if (_ones) > 9 then
                _tens = _tens + 1
                _ones = 0
                if (_tens) > 9 then
                   _hund = _hund + 1
                   _tens = 0
                   if (_hund) > 9 then
                      _hund = 0
                    end if
                end if
             end if
             cnt = 0
          end if
        end if

I need help on the code above. I've configured RB0 as input but it doesn't respond if I connect it to ground (0). My sample code above starts counting while RB0 = 0 and stops when it's High. The port has a pull up resistor 4.7K.
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I would re-check the option reg, also make sure you select the right PIC device. If you reverse the logic on the PortB.0 = 0 to a PortB.0 = 1, does the rest of the program run correctly? What PIC are you using?
Im using the obsolete PIC16f84a. I have a bunch lying around so I'm trying to utilize them. Reversing it works fine, but I cant get it to 0 after. If i change it to Portb.0 = 1 then it works, but can't stop it by connecting it to the ground. Actually I don't fully understand the Option_reg. I was just copying from other samples.
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