MIDI protocole vs others in HMI + mecatronics

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I would like to compare the MIDI protocole, as for it's human-computer interaction capabilities, to other currently exisiting solutions (i.e. using Labview for making a HCI, or other). Could you please tell me what are the other sotuins, and the pro's and con's of each vs MIDI ?

The same question regarding mectronics : what are the pro's and con's of using MIDI in a robot for example ?

Thanks a lot for your help.
You mean really MIDI ( Musical Instrumental Digital Interface )?
One pro is the galvanic Isolation between transmitter and receiver.
But i want to take a faster protocol, like RS485 for e.g.
For short connections I²C ( TWI ) or SPI is the easyer and faster connection.
MIDI is for musical instruments, it basically says:
Middle C hit with 90 velocity ( velocity goes from 0 to 127 and you can see it as how hard the key was hit/pressed on the keyboard )
Aside from that MIDI also communicates the channels used, you can have 16 channels/keyboards transmiting idependently

Doesn't seem like you are talking about MIDI
joseche, replace key hits with motor controls and displacement values, it's quiet common to see midi used outside of musical instruments. DMX which is used for industrial light control is only a slightly altered midi format.
cool, I didn't know that.

it may be helpfull becuase you have a lot of midi cables and plugs easily available
Yes exact, I meant MIDI as an Human-Machine Interaction solution. Thanks for your reply.

I will study RS485 and for short connections I²C ( TWI ) or SPI, thanks.
Di you have maybe good ressources on that topic, somewhere on the web ?

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