Microcontroller (LPC3250FET296/01) Resetting/Rebooting

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New Member
Hi all,

We have been using the following microcontroller (LPC3250FET296/01) for awhile from NXP. We currently seeing failures during our thermal test at 70C and sometimes fails at ambient temperature. Anyone has any suggestion on why the controller would reboot itself at certain temperature? What are potential causes for the controller to reboot/resetting? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

A scope with infinite persistence and qualified triggers can help capture
random events. I would use level triggering on processor power, say
start with .5 V out of spec low, to see if you get any triggers. Then do the
same for .5V out of spec high. Do the tests letting scope run for an hour or more.

Are you confident you have proper power supply sequencing, no pin on
processor presented with a V outside its supply rails ? That can trigger latchup
which clears when power is removed and or supply bond wire internal to package
fuses open.

Regards, Dana.
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