Microcontroller for robots

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Hello this is a simple question. I have a project that has to do with robots (small scale). Which is the best choice for a uC? From what i have read in the forums is the ATMEL AVR the best choice?

Thank you. :?:
The best choice is the processor which you are able to use! - by far the most popular choice is the MicroChip PIC - due to it's ease of use and cheap price.

A choice often used in robots is the 68H11 series, but this is a lot more expensive and difficult to use than the PIC's, more like a micro-processor than a micro-controller. This appears to have become popular from the universities, where they have the resources to use more expensive gear?.

But many people use PIC's or AVR's, if you are already familiar with a processor it makes sense to stick with it - if not, you might try using either the PIC or the AVR. There's a LOT more help about for PIC's, basically because they are more popular, and have been about for a great deal longer - but the AVR is a fine processor as well.
Hello and thnx for the reply.
PICs was one of my options in the first place but i kind of rejected it because i want to write a communication protocol, and i think that would be too complicated to do it with assembl. Please tell me your opinion.

Thank you.

can you explain what you want to do? why do you want to write a communication protocol of your own. you can do communications with PICs in a great number of ways. so why reinvent the wheel?

and even if you want to write it yourself then i beleive that you can do it easily with a higher language like C or Basic for PIC microcontrollers
Renesas is running a design contest right now for their M16C line of controllers. I think they are giving away free develpoment kits if you plan on entering the contest (I know they did for their previous contest). The kit comes with a 64KB-limited C-compiler that is more than enough for most projects. If you're looking for a controller it's certainly worth a try - you could enter your robot in the contest and maybe win some money.

You can get more info through Circuit Cellar's or Renesas' web sites.
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