New Member
I had a quick question in regards to the USB code Microchip supplies for its PIC's. The packet that the user can request via the USB, how do we determine whats sent in that packet?.
If the situation was something like........... I wanted to detect a keyboard press from the user. I would handle that as a high priority interupt. So I wanted to detect that key press from the user to let the PIC know to turn something on. (PIC would be connected to a light) There would be some sort of "relay" going on.
Let's say I wanted to send that value of that key over the USB to the PIC, so the PIC would be able to see the value of that key and perform the correct operation ON/OFF. Does anyone have any tips how I would set up the packet that would handle this task.
Let me also mention that I am using all of the Microchip's included USB Firmware, I believe it is about 9 or so source files and some other header files.
Thanks for all your help
If the situation was something like........... I wanted to detect a keyboard press from the user. I would handle that as a high priority interupt. So I wanted to detect that key press from the user to let the PIC know to turn something on. (PIC would be connected to a light) There would be some sort of "relay" going on.
Let's say I wanted to send that value of that key over the USB to the PIC, so the PIC would be able to see the value of that key and perform the correct operation ON/OFF. Does anyone have any tips how I would set up the packet that would handle this task.
Let me also mention that I am using all of the Microchip's included USB Firmware, I believe it is about 9 or so source files and some other header files.
Thanks for all your help