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Anyone know how to do a transfer function in LTSpice?
Just as a quick circuit, I have connected a voltage ramp waveform to the base of an emitter follower. I want to plot the transfer function from base to emitter (then move on to move complex circuits later).
I have probed the base and the collector and have got transient analysis working quite happily. I cannot get the transfer function going though.
LTSPICE keeps spitting out the error: 'Transfer function source v not in circuit'.
Going back into the transfer function setup, I notice it has now changed my Vin reference to 'v'.
What am I doing wrong...?
All I want is a plot of Vin on the x axis and Vemitter on the Y axis.
Just as a quick circuit, I have connected a voltage ramp waveform to the base of an emitter follower. I want to plot the transfer function from base to emitter (then move on to move complex circuits later).
I have probed the base and the collector and have got transient analysis working quite happily. I cannot get the transfer function going though.
LTSPICE keeps spitting out the error: 'Transfer function source v not in circuit'.
Going back into the transfer function setup, I notice it has now changed my Vin reference to 'v'.
What am I doing wrong...?
All I want is a plot of Vin on the x axis and Vemitter on the Y axis.