Looking for unijunction transistors

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Hero999 said:
The only disadvantage with that is it isn't portable unless you use a PDA or mobile phone.

The reverse bias oscillator will cost nothing to make - you can get all the parts from an old radio which can be found at your local tip.

Not a bad idea - thanks. I think I have enough parts in my bedroom to set up a small production line of reverse bias oscillators.
Kolloi said:
In the 'LOTs' I have access to??
I have refered to your first post, where you mentioned "

This is what i referred from your 1st post, and of course made it plural -

Kolloi said:
I have a lot of old scrapped electronics items strewn about my place. I'm looking for unijunction transistors.. ................ what sort of devices might contain salvageable UJTs? Thanks

I really feel that somewhere in the material you might be having few Uni-junction transistors.
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