lm335, i dont understand!

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New Member
Hi, my problem is that i dont undestand how to use this temperature sensor.
ok, i have a DAQ to use with labview, this is the fisrt time i will do something on my own, and the people in the uneversity is not acting to help me.
So, back to the main theme, i dont undestand how to use the sensor.
T0-92 package
1-The pin ADJ, what does this pin do? where to conect it}?
(meaning that i have to put a potentiometer in series with this pin, and the potentiometer to Vc?)
2-The catode or middle pin, where or what to do with it
(i have to conect that to the analog input of my DAQ?)
3-The anode or third and right pin

ok, could you please answer, send me a little circuit!
thanks for your time and advidce!
Estuardo Ordoñez
Hehe. Yep the datasheet!

I dont think uneversety teach like wot they used to.
Hehe. Yep the datasheet!

I dont think uneversety teach like wot they used to.

Maybe the very first class in a university course should be how to read a data sheet.

"When all else fails, read the instructions."
metalsapo Mike answered your question already. Read the datasheet how to use it is ALL in there.

And you should watch your language, lefty's post was defiantly not sarcastic. Because you obviously didn't read the datasheet. If you want help we will provide HELP we will NOT do the work for you.

I would like to point out to the moderators that metalsapo is using some pretty foul language even if it's in Spanish.

By the way metalsapo, you're pretty much guaranteed to get no help from anyone here if you don't improve your language and calm down.
If you're having trouble reading the datasheet ask questions sbout it, do NOT insult the users here and throw a fit like a 2 year old.
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I should apologise. My post WAS sarcastic, and I may have been insensitive to the OP's level of English language skill. Sorry people.
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