Light FireWorks Fuse?

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New Member
I want to light a fire works fuse remotely. I want to attach to Smoke bombs to the skids of my R/C Heli and light them off in mid flight. I dont want to have to alter the smoke bomb in anyway so want to know how i could use a remote control to lite the existing fuse?
YES! I Do That To i got a cheap remote controlled car and took out the circuit board and wired it to two metal strips i made and put steel whool in between the metal strips which well turn Fire Hot With About 6 to 9 volts!! REMOTE CONTROL BABY!!!!
YES! I Do That To i got a cheap remote controlled car and took out the circuit board and wired it to two metal strips i made and put steel whool in between the metal strips which well turn Fire Hot With About 6 to 9 volts!! And I think it was 500Ma If i Remember REMOTE CONTROL BABY!!!!
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