Angry Badger
Hi all,
I hope all are in good health and spirits.
I wrote this code last night for my lcd clock/calendar. It works fine but maybe there is a more efficient code to achieve the objective. When setting the time the user can toggle the cursor betwen the tens of hours and the unit hours positions and increment the respective value. The code is to prevent any illegitimate values, i.e. any value more than 23.
Is there more efficient code you could suggest? With the benefit of hindsight it may have been more straightforward increment the hours value as a whole rather than as individual digits. But this is where I am at now.
Thanks in advance for any help / suggestions.
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I hope all are in good health and spirits.
I wrote this code last night for my lcd clock/calendar. It works fine but maybe there is a more efficient code to achieve the objective. When setting the time the user can toggle the cursor betwen the tens of hours and the unit hours positions and increment the respective value. The code is to prevent any illegitimate values, i.e. any value more than 23.
Is there more efficient code you could suggest? With the benefit of hindsight it may have been more straightforward increment the hours value as a whole rather than as individual digits. But this is where I am at now.
Thanks in advance for any help / suggestions.
movlw high Digit_goto ;get PCLATH at this location
movwf PCLATH ;update PCLATH
movf cursor_cnt,w ;no. of times user has right shifted cursor
andlw 0x07 ;clear upper nybble
rlncf WREG,W ;double it
rlncf WREG,w ;and again (because of x2 pc increments)
addwf PCL ;add it (cursor shift count x4) to prog counter low byte
goto tenhrs
goto unithrs
goto tenmins
goto unitmins
goto tendays
goto unitdays
goto tenmonths
goto unitmonths
goto tenyrs
goto unityrs
tenhrs ;increment the ten hours value - check for legitimate number
incf H10
movlw 0x34 ;(4)
cpfslt H1 ;unit hrs < 4?
goto skip3 ;no, it's 4 or more so max value for tenhrs is 2 (23hrs max)
movlw 0x32 ;yes, unit hrs less than 4 so 2 is valid value for tenhrs
cpfsgt H10 ;user trying to set tenhrs>2?
goto skip1 ;no, so unit hrs value irrelevant
movlw 0x31 ;(1)
cpfsgt H10 ;tenhrs >1?
goto skip1
movlw 0X30 ;set tenhrs = 0
movwf H10
skip1 ;write the tenhrs value to the lcd
movf H10,W
call lcd_char ;write tenhrs value to lcd
call R2C10 ;cursor back to Row2 Col10 (tenhrs position)
call Wait_for_yell_butt_release
unithrs ;increment the unit hours value - legitimate number? Depends on tenhrs value
incf H1 ;unit hours register
movlw 0x32 ;determine if tens of hours is = 2, so
subwf H10,w ;subtract 2 from tenhrs value
movlw 0x33 ;3 = default max value for unit hrs
btfss STATUS,Z ;was tenhrs = 2?
movlw 0x39 ;no, max unit hrs value will be 9
cpfsgt H1 ;yes, unit hrs max will be default 3, compare with user value
goto skip2 ;write unit hrs value to lcd
movlw 0X30 ;user tried to enter more than 3 when tenhrs = 2 so reset to 0
movwf H1 ;set unit hrs to zero
skip2 ;write the unithrs value to the lcd
movf H1,W
call lcd_char
call R2C11
call Wait_for_yell_butt_release
goto loiter
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