LCD Alarm clock with PIC16F877 ( some pics included )

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You win the prize for the longest delay routine ever.
procedure delay_1us( byte in x ) is
   if target_cpu == sx_12 then

      pragma keep page, bank
      -- cycles for argument passing, call and return
      const call_overhead = 14

      if target_clock > 10_000_000 then

         const once_through        = 16
         const overhead            = 
            ( ( ( call_overhead + once_through ) * 1_000_000 ) / target_clock )

         const one_us_cycles       = target_clock / 1_000_000
         const outer_loop_overhead = 12
         const inner_loops         = 
            ( one_us_cycles - outer_loop_overhead - 6 )  / 4

         var byte outer_counter, inner_counter
         const byte yy = - ( overhead + 1 )
         const byte zz = inner_loops + 1
            local outer_loop, inner_loop
            -- get argument, substitute zero if too small
                 movlw   yy
            bank addwf   x, w
                    movlw 0
            -- make local copy
            bank movwf   outer_counter
                 incf    outer_counter, f

            -- outer loop must take 1uS 

            -- inner loop takes 6 + 4 * n
                 movlw zz
            bank movwf   inner_counter
            page inner_loop
                 decfsz  inner_counter, f
                    goto    inner_loop 

            -- outer loop again?
            page outer_loop
            bank decfsz  outer_counter, f
                    goto    outer_loop

         end assembler

      elsif target_clock == 10_000_000 then

         const overhead_us = ( call_overhead + 16 ) / 10

         var byte counter
         const byte abc = - overhead_us
            local loop, next
            -- get argument, correct for overhead, minimum is zero
                 movlw   abc
            bank addwf   x, w
                    movlw 0
            -- loop, total cycles in assembler block is 16 + 10 * n
            bank movwf   counter
                 incf    counter, f
            page goto    next
            page loop
                 decfsz  counter, f
                 goto    loop
         end assembler

      elsif target_clock == 4_000_000 then
         const overhead_us = ( call_overhead + 11 ) / 4

         var byte counter
         var byte xyz = - overhead_us
            local loop
            -- get argument, correct for overhead, minimum is zero
                 movlw   xyz
            bank addwf   x, w
                    movlw 0
            -- loop, total cycles in assembler block is 11 + 4 * n
            bank movwf   counter
                 incf    counter, f
            page loop
                 decfsz  counter, f
                    goto    loop
         end assembler

         pragma error -- clock must be 4 or >=10 MHz
      end if

   elsif ( target_cpu == pic_14 ) | ( target_cpu == pic_12 ) then
      const ips = target_clock / 4
      if target_clock >= 10_000_000 then

         const i_iteration  = 5
         const i_overhead   = 9 
         const d_iteration  = ( i_iteration * 1_000_000 ) / ips
         const d_overhead   = ( i_overhead * 1_000_000  ) / ips
         const x_iteration  = - d_iteration
         const x_overhead   = - ( d_overhead + ( d_iteration / 2 ) + 1 )
         var byte v_overhead   = x_overhead
         var byte v_iteration  = x_iteration

         local loop
            page loop
            movfw x
            addwf v_overhead, w
               retlw 0
            addwf v_iteration, w
            goto loop
         end assembler

      elsif target_clock == 4_000_000 then

         const i_iteration  = 4
         const i_overhead   = 9 
         const d_iteration  = ( i_iteration * 1_000_000 ) / ips
         const d_overhead   = ( i_overhead * 1_000_000  ) / ips
         const x_iteration  = - d_iteration
         const x_overhead   = - ( d_overhead + ( d_iteration / 2 ) + 1 )

         var byte v_overhead   = x_overhead
         var byte v_iteration  = x_iteration

         local loop
            page loop
            movfw x
            addwf v_overhead, w
               retlw 0
            addwf v_iteration, w
               goto loop
         end assembler

         pragma error -- clock must be 4 or 10 MHz
      end if
      pragma error -- cpu must be sx_12 or pic_14
   end if
end procedure

All that to delay 1uS. WOW.

What does it mean by shnazzy? There is no such word in my English dictionary..
pasanlaksiri, it looked nice, but why don't you scale down your picture? It is 1.3 MP
BTW, is the LCD light always on? Or it can be controlled whether you want to on or off?

shnazzy = coool I think

Hmm LCD back light. U can use little sw for turn it off and on.
Self made?

pasanlaksiri, did you actually make that clock?
Is code and design made by you?

I can't wait for the answer... ...
mcs51mc said:
pasanlaksiri, did you actually make that clock?
Is code and design made by you?

I can't wait for the answer... ...

Nope that is not my design. Its made by that site owner "Thomas"

Actually im wating for my ordered 20X4 LCD.
hello.. i'm new here.. can someone help me please.. i need to know the parts list of this project.. specially the resistors and capacitors.. secondly, i want to know why only 10 pins is used in the LCD and what are those pins because it is not in the schematic.. hope someone could help me.. tnx!
Woaw, starting up a 3 years old topic!
Why not starting a new one and tell us what you already designed, ask what the real problem is?
Did you try to find out what pins it could be from the LCD?
I just copy the design, source code and schematic of the project but the 4x20 LCD has 16 pins and only 10 pins is connected to the circuit board and it is not indicated in the schematic.. Actually I dont have enough knowledge about pic micro..
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