Lab-Easy Prototyping system and the Junebug 3D drawing

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Here's a partial image of the LAB-EASY modular prototyping system. I'll be posting more images on this great system for breadboarding. I've made my Junebug PIC PK2 & Tutor kit compatible with the system. I've got an awesome image coming in the next few hours.
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Shown above: the Junebug mounted on a BT-04 module, the smaller chassis is a BT-02
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Soon, about a week and a half from now.
Heres the BT-06L with breadboard. But wait there's more... (I just have to draw it) and it's the brilliant part (thanks to the inventor Eric Chan)
**broken link removed**The BT-06L above shown with breadboard option
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Here's the LAB-EASY secret, the thin 1mm PCBs can be assembled while mounted on the breadboard. Once you get it working you can solder it down and remove from the breadboard. The PCBs can also be cut with scissors. Amazing!
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Cutaway view of a typical LAB-EASY PCB on a breadboard.
Is this the same LabEasy company with broken web site and only one store in Canada that sells the product?
That's the one, the Creatron site needs a major makeover.
As for Polyview it's a company run by Eric Chan, who spends all his time designing and builiding electronic lab kits and ZERO time actually selling them. He's been doing this since 2000 and has scads of neat kits, actual patents and uses this stuff in the courses he teaches. I convinced him to put his stuff for sale at Creatron Inc (it's often not easy getting vendors to carry new products)
The local students love the breadboard and the PCBs (you've seen them they're blue like mine)

I really like his LAB-EASY system I'll be building all the future kits to be compatible with the form factor, I'm not so fond of his PIC professor style kits.

As a bonus he has packaging and my kits fit it just fine

I'll post photos of some of his products.
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Im planning on buying a JuneBug as it comes out and a firefly. am I still going to need the firefly?
Here's the PIC Professor by Polyview. It's interesting but there is no documentation at all, it's got a programmer (JDM style) and powered by a 9V battery (charger circuit included) A simple logic probe and pulsar.
I have one, I don't use it.
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43617373 said:
Im planning on buying a JuneBug as it comes out and a firefly. am I still going to need the firefly?

The Firefly has a 16F88 Tutor and ZIF option. The Junebug has an 18F1320 Tutor. The 18F1320 is a more advanced PIC and has a free student edition C18 compiler avalable for it from Microchip.

It's a tough call but if your just getting started all you may need to start is the Junebug which is pretty much a lab with a basic PICkit 2 on it.

I'm actually starting to learn a little C with the Junebug prototype.
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