KS0108 glcd - best way to write ?

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We have just written and run output routines to produce text and bitmap images on the KS0108 display with Pic assembler.
At the moment we have outputted all the data to chip1 then switched to chip 2 and outputted all its data.
However, it is also possible to output the first row of data to chip1, then switch to chip 2 and write out its first row, then switch back to chip 1 for row2 etc etc.

Just wondered if there is any thought on which way is better to way use, particulalry for when we get into some of the more advanced display methods ?
- apprieciate the latter way is a bit slower due to switching the chips so much.

I wrote some routines a while ago that write to either display as required. Unfortunately, they are in C18. Fortunately the principle is the same. If your interested you will find them attached to the 10th post of this thread.

Edit, BTW, the speed hit is not too bad when writing to either display on demand as the majority of the time the processor is waiting for the display. In fact, writing alternate sides would be faster as the down times would overlap but not practicable except for screen dumps.

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