Junebug IR remote protocol viewer.

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Well-Known Member
The new PICkit2 2.50 software includes a very useful logic analyzer tool. Here's a simple program that will let you use the LA tool to view / analyze many IR remote signals (36KHz - 40KHz)

;*** Junebug IR Bridge, uses PICkit2 Logic Analyzer mode Ch1
;*** DIP-4 (TX) should be on, Trigger Analyzer on Ch1 "/"
    list    p=18F1320        
    include    <p18f1320.inc>
    org    0h
    movlw    72h
    movwf    OSCCON        ; 8MHz clock
    setf    ADCON1        ; set all I/O to digital
    bcf    INTCON2,RBPU    ; enable PORTB input pullups
    movlw    b'11111101'
    movwf    TRISB        ; RB0 in, RB1 out
loop    btfss    PORTB,0
    bsf    LATB,1    
    btfsc    PORTB,0
    bcf    LATB,1
    bra    loop        ; loop forever

**broken link removed**
Sony 12bit SIRC power command from a Sony RVM-V202 remote control
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