I'm trying to work out the value of an smd resistor that measures strangely.
It is in series with the primary winding of a transformer ... Shurter 4300.5041 .. IF-0306 ... that is used as a communications tx.
The resistor is marked 027u ... or upside down nl20 ... and physical size is 3.5mm x 4.95mm.
Not sure why it would need to be so large physically, given its role in the primary of the comms transformer circuit.
Normally I'm very careful to measure components before I disturb too much ... but this time I didn't because the conformal coating is so thick and difficult to penetrate without lots of effort ... and now I'm regretting it.
It is in series with the primary winding of a transformer ... Shurter 4300.5041 .. IF-0306 ... that is used as a communications tx.
The resistor is marked 027u ... or upside down nl20 ... and physical size is 3.5mm x 4.95mm.
Not sure why it would need to be so large physically, given its role in the primary of the comms transformer circuit.
Normally I'm very careful to measure components before I disturb too much ... but this time I didn't because the conformal coating is so thick and difficult to penetrate without lots of effort ... and now I'm regretting it.