IR Proximity sensor

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IR Proximity sensor
When using IR method to detect human pass by,TX/RX put side by side,
reflection type without using reflector, what is the max practical range I
can get? Right now I can only get 1 meter, can the range be increase without using reflector?
My target is at least 2meter. Can it be done?
Anyone can advice?
Or what is the known max range for the IR Proximity sensor in the market?
Thank you.
using the burst method might help. i assume ur emitter is an IR diode. pulse a high current(ref: datasheet) through the diode for a very short duration .
It's NOT a good method, IR reflection is highly dependent on the object doing the reflecting - if you're getting reliable 1m range from normally dressed people I would suspect that's probably good going?.

Dress the people in shiny foil, and you should make 5 or 6m.

It's more common to use ultrasonics for this, and doppler shift changes, or (better still) is microwave radar - which is what you usually find on automatic shop doors.
you're vewry very well to get 1metre after that distance most go to the polariod sonar which will work out to around 4 metres.
A cheap PIR detector from RadioShack picked up normally dressed people over a wide area at a distance of 12m easily. It detects movement from their heat and doesn't radiate IR itself.
Cheap motion detectors for outdoors houselights also have a pretty good range.
Victor can u give me the ckt of this proximit IR sensor as I am not getting the desirable range plz help me
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