Interfacing Temperature sensor with lcd

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New Member
Heys guys,I currently building a lm35 temperture sensor and want to display my results on a lcd,I programming a mcd9000 board(with an onboard a/d converter) using keil uvision and just have a few questions
I think I have my analog to digital code set up right but the signal that saves into the AD0DAT1 register,can I manipulate that with a formula and then display on my lcd?

Below is my code(ignore he lcd parts)
# include <REG935.H>

//LCD commands
#define FunctionSet 0x3B
#define DisplayOn 0x0E
#define EntryModeSet 0x06
#define ClearScreen 0x01
#define SecondLine 0xC0

//function prototypes
void lcd_write(unsigned char display_data);
void delay(unsigned char x);
void delay_5msec();

//pin definitions
sbit EN = P2^2;
sbit RS = P2^1;
sbit RW = P2^0;

void main()

P2M1=0x00; //output

P1M1=0x00; //lcd

P0M1=0xFF; //set as input for sensors

RW = 0;
RS = 0;

ADINS=0x02; //set ad01(P0.0) for sampling
ADCON0=0X04; //ADC channel 0 enabled
ADMODB=0x40; //sets to divide by 3,for accuracy
ADMODA=0x02; //fixed channel,continous conversion,until terminated by user

int t;
ADCON0 |= 0x01; //start conversion,immediate start mode
while((ADCON0 & 0x08) == 0); //wait for end of conversion
ADCON0 &= 0xF7; //clear EOC flag
t = AD0DAT1; //display result on port 2 LEDs
What temperature range are you trying to display?
What is the reference voltage for your A/D converter?
What temperature range are you trying to display?
What is the reference voltage for your A/D converter?

Well the LM35 specs say it can measure -55° to +150°C range but right now I just want to display anything on the lcd.
I've been simulating 5 volts coming into the A/D converter.
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