interfacing lcd and keypad with pic16f877a

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New Member
HI everyone;
i am new user of pic controller.i want to interface lcd and keypad with pic16f877a in order that when i enter any number on the keypad,lcd shows that number.can anyone send me the very simple program for that.
can anyone send me the very simple program for that.

Here you go, it's written in a very popular language.

initialise PIC
initialise LCD
scan keypad 
if number key pressed then write number to LCD
repeat last two lines of code

Seriously though, no one is going to write the code for you. There are lots of examples for this kind of thing on the internet, you should search for them.

You might start with Nigel's tutorials
hayee said:
HI everyone;
i am new user of pic controller.i want to interface lcd and keypad with pic16f877a in order that when i enter any number on the keypad,lcd shows that number.can anyone send me the very simple program for that.

Go on Google, search for a PIC Assembly tutorial.
Read the Datasheet. A lot. Figure out how to use the 87XA's USART.
Write your own code.
hayee said:
HI everyone;
i am new user of pic controller.i want to interface lcd and keypad with pic16f877a in order that when i enter any number on the keypad,lcd shows that number.can anyone send me the very simple program for that.

Check my tutorials, they have everything you need!.
HI everyone;
i am new user of pic controller.i want to interface lcd and keypad with pic16f73a in order that when i enter any number on the keypad,lcd shows that number.can anyone send me the very simple program for that.
we need details about the interfacing of kepad &lcd with pic16f73 for doing miniproect of password based door locking our project we connect lcd to port c,&keypad to portb.
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