interfacing lcd 8 bit mode with pic 16f877a problem

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hi for all i have problem with my lcd it is not display the function only display _ and i don't know the problem plz help me
this is the code for my prog it is about controlling applications by gsm sms
//================================================== ========================
#include <pic.h>
#include <string.h>
//	configuration
//================================================== ========================
__CONFIG ( 0x3F32 );	 //configuration for the microcontroller

//	define
//================================================== ========================
#define	rs	 RD4	 //RS pin of the LCD display
#define	e	 RD5	 //E pin of the LCD display
#define	lcd_data	PORTB	 //LCD 8-bit data PORT
#define	LED1	 RD6	
#define	LED2	 RD7
#define LED3	 RC4
#define SW1 RA3

//	function prototype	 (every function must have a function prototype)
//================================================== ========================

void delay(unsigned long data);	

void send_config(unsigned char data);
void send_char(unsigned char data);
void lcd_goto(unsigned char data);
void lcd_clr(void);
void send_string(const char *s);

unsigned char uart_rec(void);	 //receive uart value
void uart_send(unsigned char data);
void uart_str(const char *s);

void gsm_send_command(const char *command);
void gsm_read_line(char *buffer);

//	global variable
//================================================== ========================

char gsm_response[20];
char command[10];

//	main function	 (main fucntion of the program)
//================================================== ========================
void main()
char read_sms_command[] = "AT+CMGR=1";
char delete_sms_command[] = "AT+CMGD=1";

//set I/O input output
TRISB = 0;	 //configure PORTB I/O direction
TRISD = 0b00000000;	 //configure PORTD I/O direction
TRISA = 0b00000111;	 //configure PORTA I/O direction
TRISC = 0b00001111;	 //configure PORTC I/O direction
LED1=0;	 // OFF LED1
LED2=0;	 // OFF LED2
//Configure UART
SPBRG=9600;	 //set baud rate as 115200 baud
BRGH=1;	 //baud rate high speed option
TXEN=1;	 //enable transmission
TX9 =0;	 //8-bit transmission
RX9 =0;	 //8-bit reception	
CREN=1;	 //enable reception
SPEN=1;	 //enable serial port

//setup ADC
ADCON1 = 0b00000110;	 //set ADx pin digital I/O

//configure lcd
send_config(0x00000001);	 //clear display at lcd
send_config(0x00000010);	 //lcd return to home 
send_config(0x00000110);	 //entry mode-cursor increase 1
send_config(0x00001100);	 //display on, cursor off and cursor blink off
send_config(0x00111000);	 //function set

//display startup message	
lcd_clr();	 //clear lcd
send_string("Cytron Tech.");	 //display "Cytron Tech."
lcd_goto(20);	 //set the lcd cursor to location 20
send_string("Smart Home");	 //display "Smart Home"

// Delay for a while.

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.
send_string("Testing Com...");

// Make sure we can communicate with the GSM modem.

// Read the response.

// We should receive "OK" from the GSM modem.
// If we don't, display "Error".
if (memcmp("OK", &gsm_response, 2) != 0)

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.
send_string("Waiting for");
send_string("Call Ready");

// Waiting for the GSM modem to search for the network.
// We will receive a blank line before receiving "Call Ready".

// We should receive "Call Ready" from the GSM modem.
// If we don't, display "Error".
if (memcmp("Call Ready", &gsm_response, 10) != 0)

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.
send_string("Setting Text");

// Set text mode for SMS.

// Read the "OK".

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.

// Check whether there is new data from the GSM modem.
if (RCIF == 1)
// Check is there a new SMS?
if (memcmp("+CMTI: \"SM\",", &gsm_response, 12) == 0)
// Get the SMS index.
// The command array is already initialized as "AT+CMGR=1" and "AT+CMGD=1",
// we need to changed the index to the actual one.
read_sms_command[8] = gsm_response[12];
delete_sms_command[8] = gsm_response[12];

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.
send_string("Reading SMS...");

// Send command to read the SMS.

// Read the response.
// The first line is the SMS info which we don't need.
// We only need the second line which is the message content.

// Read the newline and "OK".

// Switch on the light if we received "on".
if (memcmp("on1", &command, 2) == 0)
LED1 = 1;
if (memcmp("on2", &command, 2) == 0)
LED1 = 2;
// Switch off the light if we received "off".
else if (memcmp("off1", &command, 3) == 0)
LED1 = 0;
else if (memcmp("off1", &command, 3) == 0)
LED2 = 0;

// Send command to delete the SMS.

// Read the "OK".

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.

// Check whether SW1 is pressed.
if (SW1 == 0)
// Clear the LCD and display the new message.
send_string("Sending SMS...");

// Send the SMS to notify the owner.
// Please change this to your own number.

// We should receive '>' from the modem.
// If we don't, display "Error".
if (uart_rec() != '>')

// Send the message.
uart_str("Warning: Switch 1 has been triggered !");

// Send <CTRL+Z>.

// Read the newline and response.

// We should receive "+CMGS: <Message ID>" from the GSM modem.
// If we don't, display "Error".
if (memcmp("+CMGS:", &gsm_response, 6) != 0)

// Read the newline and "OK".

// Clear the LCD and display the new message.

// Wait until SW1 is released so that we don't send duplicated message.
while (SW1 == 0);


//	functions
//================================================== ========================
void delay(unsigned long data)	 //delay function, the delay time
{	 //depend on the given value
for( ;data>0;data--);

void send_config(unsigned char data)	//send lcd configuration 
rs=0;	 //set lcd to configuration mode
lcd_data=data;	 //lcd data port = data
e=1;	 //pulse e to confirm the data

void send_char(unsigned char data)	 //send lcd character
rs=1;	 //set lcd to display mode
lcd_data=data;	 //lcd data port = data
e=1;	 //pulse e to confirm the data

void lcd_goto(unsigned char data)	 //set the location of the lcd cursor
{	 //if the given value is (0-15) the 
if(data<16)	 //cursor will be at the upper line
{	 //if the given value is (20-35) the 
send_config(0x80+data);	 //cursor will be at the lower line
}	 //location of the lcd cursor(2X16):
else	 // -----------------------------------------------------
{	 // | |00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15| |
data=data-20;	 // | |20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35| |
send_config(0xc0+data);	 // -----------------------------------------------------	

void lcd_clr(void)	 //clear the lcd

void send_string(const char *s)	 //send a string to display in the lcd
while (s && *s)send_char (*s++);

unsigned char uart_rec(void)	 //receive uart value
unsigned char rec_data;
while(RCIF==0);	 //wait for data
rec_data = RCREG;	
return rec_data;	 //return the data received

void uart_send(unsigned char data)
while(TXIF==0);	 //only send the new data after 
TXREG=data;	 //the previous data finish sent

void uart_str(const char *s)

void gsm_send_command(const char *command)
unsigned char rec_data;

while (*command != 0)
uart_send(*command++);	 // Send the AT command.
rec_data = uart_rec();	// Read the echo.

// Send <ENTER>.

// Read the echo until Line Feed character is received.
do {
rec_data = uart_rec();
} while (rec_data != '\n');	

void gsm_read_line(char *buffer)
unsigned char rec_data;

// Read the data until Line Feed character is received.
do {
rec_data = uart_rec();
*buffer++ = rec_data;
} while (rec_data != '\n');	
//configure lcd
send_config(0x00000001);	 //clear display at lcd
send_config(0x00000010);	 //lcd return to home 
send_config(0x00000110);	 //entry mode-cursor increase 1
send_config(0x00001100);	 //display on, cursor off and cursor blink off
send_config(0x00111000);	 //function set
This is wrong the function set MUST be first

You must use the correct procedure.. Delay 40mS send 0x38.. Delay 15mS send 0x38... Delay 5ms then you can send the other commands (doesn't matter which order.)
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thank you can u correct my code this is my first time to write a code and my time is out i must finish this project in less than one week
At the very top you only need to include htc.h and string.h -

#include <htc.h>
#include <string.h>

htc.h automatically includes pic.h and compiles for the processor you selected when you created the MPLAB project.
thank you the lcd working but i want from you plz to chek th gsm modem configurations there is no response from it
hi all can some one help me and tell me how to connect the gsm modem and pic 16f877a using max 232
Remember that a modem connects pin to pin... ie.. Tx goes to Tx, Rx to Rx etc.... You will need to connect 7 wires at first as the modems are hardware handshaking at first.#

Most modems can connect directly to a PC where you can change all the relevant parameters....

I always change the comms to 3 wire ( makes it easier to connect ).
thank you i short the DSR and DTR, also the CTS and RTS and connect tx from modem th pin 13 in max 232 and rx to pin 14 and tx from max 232 to rx in pic 16f877a pin 25 and rx from max 232 to pin 26 in pic 16f877a is it correct or not
The best way is to connect to your PC first.... Get it communicating on three wires first If you can type ATH0 in on hyper terminal and get OK... Then connecting to the pic is easy you just need to swap Tx and Rx to get it working....
HI when i type ATH0 i IT IS OK NOW i will connect the modem like i tell you before
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Have you got a datasheet...... In the datasheet you will be shown how to change the modem to a 3 wire hook up..... You will need to write to a register in the modem..

If you do this when connected to the PC it will be easier....

Heres a list of registers from a generic modem
Note how AT&D query the DTR usage.... Well you need to change it to OFF ( No handshaking )
this is the code of uart
	//Configure UART
	SPBRG=10;			//set baud rate as 9600 baud
	BRGH=1;				//baud rate high speed option
	TXEN=1;				//enable transmission
	TX9 =0;				//8-bit transmission
	RX9 =0;				//8-bit reception	
	CREN=1;				//enable reception
	SPEN=1;				//enable serial port
I don't think the modem auto detects the baud rate..... Using 115200 on the pic you may have to change the modem to suit...
Listen to me..... They were examples!! You need to look at YOUR datasheet to find the commands for YOUR device..... There will be subtle differences.

Like I keep saying... Familiarise yourself with the commands on the PC...

Read this.... This guy uses an arduino...
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