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A friend who I had helped with her IT in the past ,( I should add is in her 80's ) said the copies coming off her scanner / printer (A really old Epson DX3800 ) had a big smudge on them , could I do anything about it, I knew these printer jobs can be messy, but as she used it to produce the parish magazine, (She actually cuts and pastes articles .. and copies pages ) each month and she didn't want to buy or afford another machine (scan to file and print is beyond her now, and has another printer on the PC), I said … yep take a look. Anyone done the same knows the horrors lurking below the paper track.... This was particularly bad, huge glob of congeal ink touching the feed roller gubins...After tear down it took a few hours to clean off most of the ink that was touching the feed rollers etc ( worked outside in garden as very messy, I left the white pads alone) then after it dried another 2 hours to reassemble and test. For some reason the waste ink pads had not soaked up the ink as is supposed happen. She always bought genuine ink, I wonder if people realize that a lot of that expensive ink is just dumped inside the printer . And what a c**p design....
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