I have tried to use the PIC16F877 to work as a temperature display
I used a thermo sensor from radioshack. I used PORTA RA0/AN0 to do
the ADC and used PORTD as output and connected it to all segments abcdefg (3 modules), and used
PORTE as output - RE0 - RE2 as control signals to 3 modules (common cathode)
through 3 transistors.
The problem I have is that I can not display all 3 display at
the same time. Because when all 3 display are used, I have to set
PORTE,0,1,2 to a high state. Example, I want to display 100, (module2=1 , module1=0, &
module0=0). What I get are all 3 modules display
000 because all the data abcdefg of all segments connected together.
What should I do to display the right number in each individual
Please help.
I used a thermo sensor from radioshack. I used PORTA RA0/AN0 to do
the ADC and used PORTD as output and connected it to all segments abcdefg (3 modules), and used
PORTE as output - RE0 - RE2 as control signals to 3 modules (common cathode)
through 3 transistors.
The problem I have is that I can not display all 3 display at
the same time. Because when all 3 display are used, I have to set
PORTE,0,1,2 to a high state. Example, I want to display 100, (module2=1 , module1=0, &
module0=0). What I get are all 3 modules display
000 because all the data abcdefg of all segments connected together.
What should I do to display the right number in each individual
Please help.