In America, You catch cold, in Soviet Russia, Cold catches you!

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Nothing personal at you, but I never cared for him... found him way too novel and annoying... and that bogus Ruski accent -- way overdone. But hey, he's making millions at it if people out there find the need to pay him for his nonsense. The Three Stooges were better entertainment!!
The name fits him perfectly and is well marketed towards mindless, couch potatoes who waste away watching him. He yaks and yaks and the Smirnoff name easily identifies him as Russian, for the dumb Americans who still believe that we never landed a man on the moon.
I think he's funny.
Just to get calibrated here - what do you think of Larry the Cable Guy?
Larry has some witty one-liners, but IMHO, his over-done southern drawl grates on me after a bit. Larry isn't the comedian that can stand the test of time... he's funny, but just a fad. Guys like Rodney Dangerfield, Seinfeld, Rich Little are bronze statues in their field. Richard Pryor was good in his movies but he really disappointed me when I saw his stand-up routine and all that unecessary cussing.... same goes for Eddie Murphy. I never did understand the need for chronic cussing to enhance a comedian's routine, especially when guys like Dangerfield can generate constant aisle rolling laughter without leaning on the cussing crutch.

Then again, I always gravitated towards slap-stick comedy -- Mr. Bean, Benny Hill, Monty Python, Three Stooges, MST-3000. Oh and then there's the Red Green Show!!!!!
Different jokes for different folks-- I guess.
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