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Last month before i got layed off, i managed to snag some ancient car audio equipment that was destined to be put in the trash. the thing is, most of this stuff works, but the chassis are mostly wrecked from lack of care, or just being stored insufficiently in a non damp location, so most of them are quite rusty. Ive been soaking parts and peices in vinegar for days, and coating all amps in a metallic ceramic coat of appliance paint.

The thing is, i have this 1 amp. i have 0 information on it. Im hoping someone here knows what it is.
it says JDLX F-103 on it. As far as i can tell its from Japanese Jet Labs or something. I tried to google it but couldnt find anything.
its pink, but the vinegar soak took the vinyl off the stainless steel parts, and ive managed to polish them abit. Theyll be getting a ceramic coating aswell, if its actually a decent amp.

it claims, it can support 700 watts, but ive never seen output channels like this on a car amp. they are usually used in home audio. There is also no thermal paste or an thermal adhesive between the mosfets and the aluminum side panels, and rather than a toroidal coil, it has a rectangular transformer thats fairly tiny. Heck the Choke is twice the size of the transformer.
If the chassis on those amps are rusted, how do the internal components look? Transformer plates, resistor and capacitor leads, potentiometer cases - which drop rust into the pot and cause shorts/noisy pops and hiss or dead spots along the rotation of the pop. I hope you're ready for some bad reviews if these are going on eBay. Or ready for headaches if you plan on using them yourself.

I imagine the 700W is completely imaginary, most car gear is - and like gophert I'm somewhat dubious about how good it might be if it's so bad the chassis is rusted.

well luckily the rust is just on the exterior. the boards and circuits look fine. i think whoever owned them prior threw them around abit, as they are quite damaged on the chassis exterior. ive managed to save them before they were completely rotted out. 3 of the amps are trashed, but they might have salvageable parts. im gonna be using them for personal use, and if they work out, may eventually sell them locally.
I imagine the 700W is completely imaginary, most car gear is - and like gophert I'm somewhat dubious about how good it might be if it's so bad the chassis is rusted.

well it says 700 watt, it also says 350x4 and 700x2, which is very questionable if we are talking about the age of this JDLX amp. ive never seen a car audio amp this old. as far as the other amps, ive got a pyramid pb575 and a pb499x which were fairly damaged on the outside, other than the wrong screws being forced into the channels, they dont have much damage. i have reattached some mosfets that came loose. but as soon as i get a 12-13.8v 16a external psu, ill be testing them.
from what i can gather, JDLX and JDX were the same company, from some period between 1998 and 2005. I have managed to find the person who patent both companies amplifier designs, but im unable to find anything else. not even a manual. I got the tradmark information and ive contacted the person who they are registered to, but like i said im unable to find any information about this odd designed amp. even the pcb is confusing.
Nice investigation work!
besides this amp, i have others im working on. an alpine vpower monoblock, menace (which i think is skar), power bass, pyramid pb499x, pyramid pb575, and a seriously damaged cerwin vega 7000 mobile, a crappy lightining audio, a kenwood 200 watt amp that im using for parts if i can. i know amps are much like engines. you can only replace with equal parts or better, you cant downgrade them. so im taking what i can from the parts amps.
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