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I haven't done it yet, but would also like to know. I have the data sheets for the DS1993 if anyone wants it.
Hi, i'm tryng to do this job using PBP and OWIN... i have some samples from maxim and the datasheets and trying to using ds1920 (temperature sensor) and some memories.....
iButton & 1-wire are the same, different packaging. I'm working on code for the Firefly to read DS1822, DS2401 and some iButtons. These are very well documented on the net.
You should be able to perform the Dallas "one-wire" control using C, Assembler, or just about anything. Here's example CRC code from the following Serial 12F675 / DS18B20 Project thread on Forum.Microchip;

DS18B20 Temperature Readings?

;  Mike McLaren's Dallas one-wire 8-bit CRC code for the DS18B20
;  clear the CRC variable then run each byte from the scratchpad
;  read or ROM read operation through the CRC_Calc subroutine (a
;  final CRC value of '0' indicates "good data").
;    void CRC_Calc ()
;    { crc ^= IOByte;
;      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
;      { if (crc & 0x01)
;          crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0x8C;
;        else
;          crc =  crc >> 1
;      }
;    }
;  entry: IOByte contains data byte
;   exit: CRC contains cumulative CRC data
        movlw   d'8'            ;                                 |B0
        movwf   Count           ; setup bit counter               |B0
        movf    IOByte,W        ;                                 |B0
        xorwf   CRC,f           ;                                 |B0
        movlw   h'8C'           ; x8+x5+x4+1 polynomial           |B0
        clrc                    ;                                 |B0
        rrf     CRC,f           ;                                 |B0
        skpnc                   ;                                 |B0
        xorwf   CRC,f           ; toggle b7, b3, and b2 bits      |B0
        decfsz  Count,f         ; all done? yes, skip, else       |B0
        goto    CRC_Next        ; process the next IOByte bit     |B0
        return                  ;                                 |B0
Good luck with your project. Regards, Mike
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