I2C LCD Driver?

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New Member
I need a driver to a 6 x 7segments LCD. It is going to fit in my uC project where i have not a lot of free I/O's.
So i would need a LCD driver with for example I2C bus interface.

Do anyone have experience about that?

This is the LCD i will drive: (the lcd at the bottom)

I have found this: (PCF8566P)

Is this a good way of doing it, or is it better to buy a 16F88 and write my own lcd driver and multiplex to 6 lcd digits? It is 6 to much to multiplex, will the digits be weak?
brodin said:
Is this a good way of doing it, or is it better to buy a 16F88 and write my own lcd driver and multiplex to 6 lcd digits? It is 6 to much to multiplex, will the digits be weak?

I would suggest it's a far better way to use a PIC, by using a simple serial interface you would also only need one I/O pin to drive it. Multiplexing 6 digits isn't a problem, and presumably the display is designed to be used in that way?.
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