I2C help needed!!

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New Member
Hi guys...
I'm a new beginner to I2C. I'm currently doing a project with Nexar Nanoboard which uses the Xilinx Spartan 2e processor.

I will take images from a digital camera module and process it and project it into a monitor. What I need to do with I2C is to configure the camera settings, like the gamma, saturation, brightness, contrast and etc...

I'm totally blur about how the I2C works in practical. I've read some articles on it. Just know how it works but how the actual data stream should be, I am not sure. Like I read somewhere, the data to write should be like

S SlaveAddress-W A Data A Data .....

how does it actually appear in binary?

can someone please enlighten me? I'm not sure of how it actually works..

thanks in advanced..
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