i want to learn micro?

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hossam mahanna

New Member
.iam in the last year electronics & electrical communication dept.
and i hope to learn microcontroller,is there any additional fields i need to read in to learn micro well.
thank you

Fairly generic question, perhaps an intro book into the specific micro your looking at getting into would do the trick?
Well, if you want to get started in Microcontrollers, try a PIC. I use the PIC16F876A because it was what I first saw and it was supported in the JDM programmer I bought. Since the PIC assembly instruction set is so small (35 instructions), it's useful to learn Assembly so you can quickly make programs. Oh, and it's free, unlike alot of PIC C and PICBasic compilers.

**broken link removed**
This is where I got the hang of PIC ASM. Also, download the trial of the PIC Simulator, you'll see it referred to in a few other forum posts. You can prototype code to see how it'll run in a real PIC, and find any stupid mistakes before you have to spend the time programming it on the real hardware.
or go AVR.
It's cheaper, Faster and has a cooler name.
Also you can get a development board+programmer+ICE+DW for just 50$ in digikey (STK500+Dragon)

Developed with C i mind so no need for this hideous ASM, that wastes most of your time. and C compilers are free and open source (GCC (LibC) and WinAVR)

go AVR!
If 8 bits isn't enough, go AVR32. 32 bits of raw computing power. enough to run a PC (I suppose your PC has the same number of bits. At least your CPU).

How do you pronounce Atmel? (@ - Meal?)
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