I need a stepper motor driver!

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New Member
Does any one have or can get a schematic drawing for a stepper motor driver? The stepper motor im going to use in a Sanyo Cp-043 14.5 volts. If i could get a schematic drawing that will make it go forword and backword and make it able to position itself using a computer. The stepper motor has six wires.

thanks in advance,
moody07747 said:
only stepper motor controller i know of uses 4 wires and its here


dont know if you could change that around

The diagram in the link has SIX wires, two are the power inputs, and four are the connections to the driver - it's a standard unipolar circuit.

If you google for "stepper motor tutorial" you will find plenty of information on steppers and how to run them.
UCN 5804 is a stepper motor driver IC, takes TTL level input, can run steppers upto 30 volts, 1.25A continuous current
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