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New Member
As Martin Luther said, I have a dream and this is my dream.
My mother's car was stolen last year. My friends had his 250 U.S dollar Alpine head unit stolen from him. 2 days ago a friend of mine had his windows broken and system ripped out of his car. I dont care how long it takes me but one of these days.
I want to make some sort of device, which is very small and you can fit into your car head unit, and unto your car and anything else that you value, and when this is stolen, Either you can track where it is going using GPS or better yet, I would want to be able to detonate it. Maybe put a small piece of plastic explosive in it and use 2 separate cell phones to dial a certain number within a few seconds of each other to blow up the f#@%ers who like to steal. The only problem would be safty

MOD_EDIT Language, please!
well . . . umm, u say safety, and blowing up the thief up wouldnt be very safe . . . could land u a nice stay in prison.

but i do like ur tracking em down via gps idea, its alredy been done, u can buy the transmitter and use a special receiver to find it. unfortunately u'll need $$$ for multiple ones.
You would have to be very confident of your design to strap on exploding headphones.. You only get one ohoh :shock:
I think I'd make it play a little tune first before it blew up. This way you could be warned of an impending explosion and could get rid of it. That would be a great safety feature.

And guess what the thief is going to do? :shock:
Last time I checked the ever so cherished American "bill of rights" came as a complete package, but..I could be mistaken just being a limey an' all.

Anyhow, this is an electronics forum not a political mud pit and shall therefore confine my ramblings to this area.

GPS if you pardon the pun , is a bit of overkill. Tracking of a cell-phones is well established and relatively inexpensive electronics will allow remote shutdown of any connected device. Of course manufactures may be reluctant to switch key chips to newer devices with fusible links implented at the nanoscale, therefore the installation of a SMALL exothermic charge to render equipment useless could well be a money spinner if the insurance companys like the idea. Though it would take all the fun out of car chases.
Even the use off cell-phone technology is perhaps going a bit to far. A simpler system could be configured using low power RF transmitters in the milli watt range. For example imagine if your car stereo only works with the keyfob supplied that contains an RFID tag , a much better idea than the removable front panel so beloved of many makers of car radio's.
Eclipse units have GPS tracking for the driver. If they steal the head unit, the guy stealing it will just have an added very cool feature to his head unit.
I like the idea of playing a tune before it blows up. I am not talking disabling blowing up, just scare the crap out of them and slightly injure them blowing up. I think a way to make something like that safe would be to require a catastrophic failure to cause it to detonate. Also have 3 or 4 steps that must be taken for it to happen. Not something that an individual should try, but i am sure if a big company makes this, it will be popular in 3rd world countries where stuff like this would be legal.
The reason for my idea is i live in Belize City and i know many people who actually take out their head units and never use it because they dont want their windows smashed in. It happens so often. Even a crappy old factory unit is a huge target, much less a nice alpine or clarion or something.
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