How works a Binary up/down counter 4-bit presettable(IC SN 74 LS 191)

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its a programmable binary coded decimal up down counter. it is used in clocks . but you can use it for a varierty of other things. the basic ifunction is its four flipflops shifting 1's and zeros aka counting. you connect ce to ground enanling the clock. connect cp to a clock puls or oscilator dealy q0 -q3 are your outputs . when pl goes low it loads the bcd number you put into p0 -p3. if u/d is high it counts up if its low it counds down. rc and tc have to do with using the chip as a ripple counter. look up ripple counters i for get what the importance of that is exactly. most of what i remember from school revolves around the 74293 which is what i built digital clocks with. but i useal all of these chips at one point or another.
for some reason i remember disliking this chip. i think in order to use it normally you have to have make it preset zeros or some dumb thing i forget
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