How to remove the Fecl3 from the clothes

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New Member
When I make PCB with Fecl3,the clothes were dipped by Fecl3.It's difficult to be cleaned.Anyone know how to do?Thanks.
I don't think you're gonna have any luck with that. It's not like ink, it chemically changes the materials it touches, the stains likley permenant.
Best is not to use the muck. Try ammonium persulphate as an echant.
To try to remove the stains, try hydrochloric acid. Its supposed to be available from swimming pool chemical suppliers. Otherwise known as muriatic acid
if the fabric is organic (cotton / wool), there's not likely anything you can use that won't damage the fabric.

if it's synthetic (nylon / rayon / other plastic), you could try some CLR (calcium lime rust remover) ... I think once the HCl has dried up, all that's left is iron (and copper) salts (rust)? Or the muratic acid might work, since that's what held the FeCl in solution in the first place.
This is probably a coincidence but I read fecl3 as fecal. It is a hoot when you consider that both leave brown stains. One more strike for textspeak and other shorthand notations.
Papabravo said:
This is probably a coincidence but I read fecl3 as fecal. It is a hoot when you consider that both leave brown stains. One more strike for textspeak and other shorthand notations.

Me thinks your mind has turned to $hit!!
A distinct possibility considering what I've had to put up with all these years. In my next life I'm coming back as a National Sales Manager. Then what I dish out will all flow downhill. ROFL
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