how to program timer in pic18f4550

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New Member
i am a newbie in programming pic18f4550. i would like to know a simple LDR circuit produce signal, and pic 18f4550 recieved the signal, then how to program pic to recognize the signal as speed? my partner think of using timer for example: 1 signal every 0.8s means that the speed is 1 revolution per 0.8s. but we don't know how to set the timer in pic.hope can get help here, thanks.
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I make anemometers for cranes..... I use a pic16f887.. I count pulses on portb.0 (int) in 1 second and calculate the wind speed...
oh, did u know that how to write the source code to calculate wind speed? i use the LDR to detect and convert the signal then wanna calculate it. but i didn't use motor. thanks in advance...
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I use a small opto pair.. The chopper wheel has four slits (works like a mouse wheel) the wind turns the wheel and the pulses are produced... I don't use a motor either.

The calculation is all to do with the radius to the center of each cup to the center of rotation... Then you need to co-efficent of the wind resistance from the front and back of the cups and the volume is then adjusted to suit..

Ha Ha .. That was a load of ***** I put it in a wind tunnel and worked it out...
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thank you.

i am sorry, i not fully understand about:

The calculation is all to do with the radius to the center of each cup to the center of rotation... Then you need to co-efficent of the wind resistance from the front and back of the cups and the volume is then adjusted to suit...

that time, how to program this part? do u mind show me ur source code?
now, i don't know how to program the ldr signal to speed. if i cant do a program, my hardware cant work.

hope i possible done a source code of ldr signal to speed ....
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I cant post my code as it is copyrighted!! But a hint.. put your output signal onto T0CK1 (ra4) option_reg to clock on external signal.... write a delay for 1second... read the TMR0 viola!! pulses per second

Then you must work out how many in 1 second relates to wind speed (I cant help you here as I dont know your head unit)
Sorry a bit vague.... I sell anemometers... If I post the code here... I wouldn't sell many more!!
Perhaps this piece of code will be helpful. I used it to create and calibrate a 1 ms timer. The code can easily be modifed to count the number of events that take place in a second as Ian suggests.
#include <p18f4550.h>
#include "p18f4550_hw_config.h"  // configures for 20MHz crystal and Fcy of 12MHz
#include "p18f4550_LCD.h"  // control a 2x16 character LCD  display

#define LED  LATCbits.LATC7  // an LED with 470 ohm Rs attached to port C bit 7

void wait_ms(unsigned int time)  // function for delay in ms
{  // an instruction cycle takes 83.3 ns, so 12,000 cycles will create a 1 ms delay
  int i = 0;
  const int cCycles_Per_ms = 921; // This variable will need to be adjusted to calibrate the function for 1 ms delay
  for( i = 0; i < cCycles_Per_ms ; i ++){
  time--;  // decrement the time unit, repeat till time = 0

void main(void)
  // Hardware Configuration
  // LED Config
  TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 0;  // RC7 pin 26 set for output
  LED = 0; // led off

  // LCD Display

  // check the wait_ms() function for accuracy
  // setup timer 0 and turn it on
  // ON  8B  Src Edg PSA PS2 PS1 PS0
  T0CON = 0x88;  //  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  -> 16 bit, PS = 1
  TMR0H =  0x00; TMR0L =  0x00; // count up from 0
  wait_ms(3);  // expect 3 ms delay
  T0CON = 0x08;  // Stop the timer
  LCD_byte(TMR0L);  // display TMRO count low byte (must be read first)
  LCD_cmd(0xC0);  // move to line 2 of the LCD
  LCD_byte(TMR0H);  // display TMRO count high byte

  while(1){  // infinite loop to blink an led
  LED = 0; // led off
  LED = 1; // led on
  }  // verify that the LED blinks at a 1 sec rate
Here's a detailed explanation:
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**
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wind speed monitoring a bit pointless on a crane, one small creak let alone movement and I would down faster than a pic 32 flat out!!!. As a maths problem it does interest me tho!
Not as simple as it looks, ok wind tunnel one way, but say you were design the cups etc, interesting mathematical relationship. I still wouldnt need a anemometer to tell me when I needed to get down
LG said:
wind speed monitoring a bit pointless on a crane,
Don't say that!!! I sell loads of them..

Actually its becoming more and more of a requirement... Cranes have to come down (where possible ) when the wind speed exceeds 10 m/s...

LG also said:
I still wouldnt need a anemometer to tell me when I needed to get down

One guy asked if I could put the words " You shouldn't be here" on the screen at 15 m/s +...
at that speed It should read, you are too mentally impaired to be driving cranes
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