How to make a GPS tracking device?

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If you pay the fee you can track anyones cell phone. If your wanting to keep track of your kids, your wife, or boss, and you know their phone number and there service you can get on the computer and find out where they are and track their every move. My son is a computer wizzard he knows some unreal stuff. If you take a CSI class at your local college or university they teach you this stuff and much more. I think some of this should be illegal but its not.

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Hey, I need to know how to make a simple but yet effective GPS tracking device...
Sort of like a simple but effective fusion reactor.

GPS is not simple. Even if it is cheap it is quite complex.

I need to make a GPS tracking device for vehicle, multiple vehicle...

Can any one teach me or just tell me where can I learn for making this devices?
I need to make a GPS tracking device for vehicle, multiple vehicle...

Can any one teach me or just tell me where can I learn for making this devices?

As you've already been told, it's totally impractical to make such a device - they are freely available at a tiny fraction of the cost of making your own.
where can I buy one?

Or any suggestion for my project(GPS tracking device for multiple vehicles) to work? and how am I suppose to track it?

Thanks anyway...
Because I'm from Philippines and I'm only student. All tracking device that I researched is unavailable and not suitable for Philippines.

That is why I need to make one.

Do you have deep pockets then? - expect to pay a LOT more, probably £500 upards, plus weeks or months spent developing it.

But if you can't buy trackers, you're not going to be able to buy the modules to try and make them.

Why aren't existing trackers suitable?, don't you have GSM cellphones there?.
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