how to interface a mechanical part with C#

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New Member
I am a newbie to C# programming. i would like to know how to interface a mechanical part with C# application i write in windows XP platform. to be more specific, how to communicate with a stepper motor interface through a serial port using C# application.

Assumption: I have a stepper motor interface that at one end connected with stepper motor and at the other end with serial port of my PC.

Aim: To send control signal through this serial port to the stepper motor interface.

I am basically electronics student. so kindly help.
A stepper motor moves with steps which are normally fed into a control circuitry that takes care of controlling the actual stepper motor

Controlling a stepper motor with the serial port alone could be possibly done by using the control lines as discretes and feeding them into the control circuitry of the stepper. But I would not recommend this at all, since you are most likely to lose steps, etc.

The best way would be to have a microprocessor hooked up to your PC and you send commands vis the serial port such that the microprocessor is able to translate that to the control lines for the stepper control circuitry.


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