how to connect picKit2 for debugging

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New Member
I've bought this week end a PicKit2 Express Debug , and searching through the
docs included within it, I haven't found the way to connect the picKit2 to
a breadboard, or any circuit .
Does someone have doc on that ?

The Pickit2 Users Guide details how to do it - its just the 3 connections, Mclre,Pdata,Pclk plus Pos and Neg.

More importantly is the fact that you use a Pic chip that supports Debugger - a lot of the older and smaller chips do not. Again see the MpLab / Pickit2 Read Me for details of the supported chips.

If you search this forum over the last couple of months there are some simple guides with picutes of how to breadboard the PK2 to debug and ICSP.
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I guess the picKit2 pins must be connected the same way for ICSP than for debugging
Am I right ?
You will also find it under help in MPLAB. It's also in C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\PICkit 2\hlpPICkit2.chm if you have MPLAB installed.

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