How to compare values?

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New Member
How can I compare a value from an ADC-reading to a set value? f.ex. the ADC has a range of 8 bit (0-255) and when the vaue is above a set value, f.ex. 200, one pin goes high, and when the value goes below 200 the pin goes low.

How can this be done in assembler, or what is the comands to comapre values. ie. higher than >, lower than <? thanks.

It all depends on the processor, on a PIC you use either subtraction, or XOR (for equality), and check the results on the flags affected. Other processors should have (will have!) similar features.
Jupp, its the 16LF877A chip, but how can I use the SUB and XOR commands to check if the value is higher than/lower than? I cant figure it out :? . thanks
Lac said:
Jupp, its the 16LF877A chip, but how can I use the SUB and XOR commands to check if the value is higher than/lower than? I cant figure it out :? . thanks

Check on the PICList, there's an entire section on comparisons.

But basically you do the subtraction and check the flags in the status register.

If you subtract 5 from 5, the answer is (obviously) zero, so the zero flag will be set.

If you subtract 6 from 5 the function overflows, and the carry will be affected (I can't remember which way off hand).

If you subtract 5 from 6, the answer is 1, and neither flag will be affected.

So by checking both C and Z, you can determine =, <>, <, >, <=, >=.

The PICList explains it all.
It's coming up fine on my FireFox browswer... Let me check IE...

It's coming up ok in Internet Explorer too... Not sure why you're not getting in... Sorry...

Regards, Mike - K8LH
Works fine here with IE6 as well, the actual page is but here's some examples off of it.

;if RAMx <= K
;Tony Nixon
  movf RAMx,w
  addlw 255 - K           ; eg if RAMx > 5 ... addlw d'250'
  goto Endif

;if K <= RAMx
;Tony Nixon
  movf RAMx,w
  addlw 255 - K + 1       ; eg if RAMx < 5 ... addlw d'251'
  goto Endif

;if RAMx < K
; Tony Nixon
  movf RAMx,w
  addlw 255 - K + 1       ; eg if RAMx >= 5 ... addlw d'251'
  goto Endif

;if K < RAMx
; Tony Nixon
  movf RAMx,w
  addlw 255 - K           ; eg if RAMx <= 5 ... addlw d'250'
  goto Endif

;if RAMx <= RAMy
; Scott Dattalo
  movf RAMx,w
  subwf RAMy,w
  goto Endif

;if RAMy < RAMx
; Scott Dattalo
  movf RAMx,w
  subwf RAMy,w
  goto Endif
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