How did they stop Global Warming so quickly?

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I don't know how they did it, but this has been one long, cold, winter here in Florida. Been here for about 30 years, and can't remember a time when we had more than two weeks straight of cold weather, but its going on three months, almost non-stop. These Climate Change guys must have gotten a little carried away, hope they change it back soon, this is brutal.

Actually, I was curious about why it's been so unusually cold, and figured the Climate Control guys would have an amusing excuse/reason about how the temperature is really still rising at an 'alarming' rate. So, far, doesn't seem to be any explanation that could be tied into the Warming trend, although they did suggested that only the Northern Hemisphere is cold right now, doesn't mean that it isn't hotter else where. Seems like the south isn't hitting record high temperatures either, least nothing note worthy.

These guy's are 100% positive that CO2 is/was responsible for the recent warming trend, but no clue as to why we are having such a severe winter, despite the warming crisis. Just doesn't seem these guys are really studying the climate, just what supports an agenda, but even then, they should be able to justify the cold weather. I could buy a week or two as a 'blip', but three months is very uncommon.
Sorry, My fault. I let my tire fire go out. I will go relight it tomorrow.

The global warming predictions where based on California math and science methods.
If California says its going to happen there is 95% chance that it will do just the opposite.

Legitimate climate and weather science cant accurately predict what the temperature is going to be 5 days from now so I rather have my doubts they could be any more accurate about a 10 - 50 year future prediction either.

How many tens of thousands of sensors and dozens of weather satellites does the national weather service have and how many super computer systems does it have working with those sensors and satellites information? Yet if they say next week is going to be 20 degrees warmer or colder they still get it wrong enough times that everyone just knows better than to unquestionably trust the accuracy of their prediction anyway.

Around here they have been saying (for about 5 weeks now) next week will be in the upper 20's to mid 30's yet every week still stays around -5 to +15 at best. I suppose that around April they will eventually be right, once.

Personally I predict that some time this year the weather will go above 80 F as well, but I cant tell you which day or other than it will be between March and next November.
I don't know how they did it, but this has been one long, cold, winter here in Florida. Been here for about 30 years, and can't remember a time when we had more than two weeks straight of cold weather, but its going on three months, almost non-stop
Here in Vancouver BC, Canada they have had to truck in snow from higher elevations for the winter Olympics. So while it is warm here, it is cold where you are. It proves nothing on a global scale.
Doh... I think NASA figured it out. Our heat went to mars and is melting its ice caps now.
Mars Global Surveyor: Mars For Press

And Neptune's moons as well.
MIT researcher finds evidence of global warming on Neptune's largest moon

In addition,
**broken link removed**

But to be fair to the global warmingologists, (sort of)
NASA - Solar Variability: Striking a Balance with Climate Change

But then NASA again ponders on,
**broken link removed**

And Jupiter seems to have some climate change issues now as well. -- New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change

And whats Pluto doing? (getting warmer maybe?)
Pluto gives the Sun a warm goodbye - 19 October 2002 - New Scientist

The darn sun seems to have something to do with stuff warming up apparently.
NASA Study Finds Increasing Solar Trend That Can Change Climate
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Here in Vancouver BC, Canada they have had to truck in snow from higher elevations for the winter Olympics.

Now that you mentioned it.

I really enjoyed the opening ceremony's until something didn't happen toward the end.

I feel I got ripped off, you know what I mean.

I don't think they payed the bill in full
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Why do people insist on conflating "local" with "global"? The concepts seem distinct enough, yet every backyard "scientist" thinks that a chill where they are puts the lie to years of global data.

There are lots of data you can use to argue climate change (either for or against) and whether there is any human impact, and yet beer-league commentary always seems to devolve to this extremely tired--and, let's face it, pretty dumb--argument.


We are most definitely have one of the hardest winters in decades. Last year we weren't seeing any record high temperatures either. It's just a little upsetting that our tax dollars could be better spent, plus we are being push toward higher taxes and energy costs. My utility bill was more than double the normal, sort of a hint at what could be the new normal, and a little scary, since my income has fallen some. The climate always changes, and seems to be unpredictable most of the time. A crisis is something you can see happening, not something you think might be happening. Something should be done to clean up the mess we are making, but it's not a crisis, to which we must cause a lot more problems to solve quickly.

Yeah, there is all kinds of data available, but kind of doubt the integrity of most of it anymore. Local? You mean the entire northern hemisphere is my backyard? So, southern part of the planet must be burning up right now, to make up for our unusually low average temperature?

The climate has always been changing, gets warmer, colder, wet, and windy. We have a long way to go, before we understand how it all works. The CO2 and Warming seems kind of weak, yet we are on the verge of having to pay a heavy price for it. If the Carbon Tax goes through, and next winter runs about the same, there is no way I'll be able to afford heat. I've done without before, obviously survived, but there are a lot more that won't make it.

Mankind is making a nasty mess, but we don't have any influence over the climate, we aren't creating the changes, and we aren't going to stop them either.
The cold winter is the WEATHER.

Climate change scientists are talking about the long term changes in CLIMATE.

If the climate is warming, then we can still expect to see severe winters every now and then. The UK has also being experiencing its coldest winter for over 20 years but that doesn't mean that the climate isn't getting warmer.

My problem with the climatologists is that they have failed to predict this very cold winter. Back in November, when the Met Office released their seasonal forecast, they stated that temperatures are expected to be above average and that this winter wasn't expected to be as cold as last year's.

This wouldn't bother me much apart from the fact that the Met Office have admitted that they use the same models to generate the long term seasonal forecasts as they're using to predict climate change.

Check out their FAQ:

So if we can't rely on the models to predict an unusually cold winter then how can they be relied on to predict climate change?

If they get the average conditions for the next three months wrong then I don't see how they can be able to say they stand a chance at predicting the next 50 years.

This sounds like arrogance to me.
Would it help if we increase the concentration of weather data-logging in every place to increase the volume of analysis of the weather pattern then? Like using the WXT520 Weather Transmitter... Just asking, since I'm improvising a much cheaper design similar to it.
They also said that the warming will melt the glaciers, causing some atlantic current to get colder and making warmer places like florida, and portugal(i live in portugal) colder, and we have had loads of snow around here, not where i live, but more up in the mountains, due to polar cold drafts, right now its 16Cº outside and raining, we usually don't ever get rain, been having huge droughts for a long time.
MT kilimanjaro used to have permanent snow, 80% of it is gone.
one thing is true, the weather certainly changed, and i had heard of that moving snow for the winter olympics(friend in BC) and last year he was complaining about having too much snow.
In the summer here it gets to over 50Cº, and this winter we have had -3Cº, when i was in england in 2008, it was warmer than it was here this winter...
thought it fluctuates a lot, like now it's 16Cº, the day after tomorow could be -1, in fact, 3 days ago it was -2Cº at 10 PM, i'd only seen negative temps here in the morning, never before going to sleep.
in 1954, we had 4 feet of snow in the place i live now, now that was weird, and only happened then, never again, yet.
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We all know where this thread is heading. Personally, I'm not going to comment as my views seem to conflict with others here and I'm trying to limit my conflicts to personal stuff. I just haven't got enough conflictium to go around.

Harvey - before you complain any more, try living around the Great Lakes where lake-effect snowfall is the norm along with Alberta Clippers and long winters. Now, where's that Al Gore, so I can kick him in his nuts?
I live around the Great Lakes and I've gotten about a foot of Snowfall this entire winter in 1 inch increments. I've never seen such a warm Winter before with so little snow fall here. I believe it's all because this fall I decided I couldn't take it anymore and bought a snow blower. It's like washing your car guarantees it will rain, buying a snow blower guarantees a warm and snow free Winter.
not being a sceintist I haven't a clue but get the impression that summers get hotter and winters get colder, it happens every year, we have a cold winter and everyone says "oh stuff global warming its so cold" then we get a hot summer and we start raving about global warming again, we need to start looking at the overall picture. And as for the "models" well can we really know that we know all about our planet from -1KM to +1KM of its surface ? I think not, we are still learning and expect to explain the mechanism of weather and climate all over the world 365.24 days a year
I live around the Great Lakes and I've gotten about a foot of Snowfall this entire winter in 1 inch increments.

Most cold weather systems travel out of the northwest direction of Canada, picking up moisture off the lakes and depositing it as heavy snowfall amounts along the southern/southeastern shores of the Great Lakes communities in the USA. Believe me if I had a monster fan or an array of jet engines large enough, I'd push it back up to you walruses! Once the lakes freeze over the heavy squalls diminish. By that time, winter is more than half over!
Mostly, I'm just joking around about the cold, I grew up with a lot worse, but still not as bad as many people have it right now. The dry air bothers me more, because of the static electricity, and I hate getting shocked.

Climate Change guys bug me, because they are raising this 'crisis' flag, but still have a lot of things to figure out first. The models don't seem to be very accurate for short term predictions, not even close most of the time. Everything else Team Gore outputs, is heavily biased toward a Global warming crisis, and would have to believe their models are a little slanted that way as well, which could explain why short term forecasts don't seem to work out, since the goal is to show that mankind is responsible for the Climate Change. Now, if they could have told us last summer to expect an unusually cold winter this year, which should end in March or April. I would have been a little more interested in what they predict for the next few decades or more. Obviously, the models aren't open-source, nor likely to be of much use to most people anyway. Which would seem kind of odd, since they are calling for everybody on the planet to make some pretty major changes and sacrifices immediately. Everything should be out on the table, not just the parts that sell the idea. If it's all true, and honest, there would be nothing gained by hiding anything, if this is so important and urgent. I don't trust, just because they are scientist. And a politician on board, doesn't sweeten the deal.

The models might be good, for some circumstances, but there are still quite a few variables the haven't dealt with yet. Still think the main energy source, the Sun, has the most to do with our climate. It fluctuates, partially blocked by other planets and space junk. The energy coming through the atmosphere isn't a set constant.

Hope everybody gets through all this well, it's starting hurt business here, and they are considering another round of lay-offs in a few weeks. Just got the sad news this morning. Fortunately, don't think I'll be on the list. Fewer people, means I have to work even harder.
Same old thing over and over, eh? Nothing new or informative ever, just hate climate change/global warming guys, not enough proof, etc. Florida getting cold, Canada heating so much there is no snow for the Winter Olympics. Maybe they should move the Olympics to Alabama; we have more snow than BC. Summers have become so brutally hot that the Harper's Ferry Nuclear plant has to shut down during parts of the summer because the river water that cools the reactors is too hot and won't get the job done. This January, a tornado hit my home town of Huntsville and tore up the historic district. THIS HAS NEVER happened before in January! Winter tornados used to be unheard of, until the last few years. Now, we live under the threat year-round. I heard them testing the warning system just days before the event; they know there is no longer a tornado season, it can happen any time of the year now.

I researched the cold weather to find out the cause. It's not a long term trend, rather a strange reversal where the Eastern US has arctic conditions, Northern latitudes have unseasonal warmth, Western N. America is pretty much normal. The cause appears to be ocean warmed air that moved into Canada and split the jet stream, allowing arctic air to spill into the Eastern US. By the end of the month, we'll probably be getting more tornados.

I saw a report that in Alberta, they trucked tons of snow in for the Olympic events. By the next day it all melted, leaving a muddy mess. If they turned off the heat, how do you explain that?

Just more inconvenient facts, I guess.
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I feel I got ripped off, you know what I mean.
I don't think they payed the bill in full
The taxpayers in BC are feeling ripped off alright.

As far as the melting goes; why they didn't put that venue on a higher mountain than Cypress, is anyone's guess. I guess everyone wanted their slice of the pie.
I am not sure why hauling in snow for the winter Olympics is such and issue. Every winter Olympics location in modern times required the import or manufacture of snow to some effect for certain events, some more than others. In the past every location chosen for summer or winter Olympics has always had some natural limitation or hangup that needed a bit of a helping hand in one way or another to make events work properly.

The Canadian location they choose is apparently somewhat marginal for predictable and reliable deep snow falls as I have read and heard so far. This year hasn't in their favor in that location so far. Next month they may have more than enough or could be worse off than they are now.
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And next month, the US East could have late spring type temperatures. But we're not talking about next month. Fact is, Alberta is already experiencing temperature that is more like spring than winter. Fact is, the snow being hauled in is melting as fast as they can get it on the slopes. Ski slopes are muddy slogs. I don't remember any Winter Olympics that has ever had this problem and have it as severe as this. That's because the temperatures have been in the 50s' in Canada, even as it's below freezing to the South. This has been called the inverted winter, warmer temperatures in Canada as colder temperatures persist to the south. I read a long post by AudioGuru that said exactly the same thing. He said his brand new efficient heater has barely been used all winter. Now why would that be? He knows, just as I do, that temperatures in parts of Canada have been much, much warmer than normal this winter. Athletes arriving in Alberta have been commenting on the unusual warmth. I saw an interview with Hannah Kearney, the moguls skier who became US's first gold medal winner, and she was talking about the damage to her skis due the thin snow conditions. She showed the bottom of her ski where rocks she skied over tore holes in them. It's the most pathetic winter Olympic conditions I've seen in my lifetime.
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