Hi, i'm having same issue that Leandro has. The amp is a Hiwatt Maxwatt G100R with the same power amplifier PCB, with the same circuit. It came to me with a low level and very distorted sound.
When I put the oscilloscope in the speaker output with a 8 ohms dummy load and 1khz sine wave in the fx loop return, I see only a semicicle of the sine wave signal.
I found the B+ supply has an arcing with ground. B+ has two wire bridges over the B- and ground tracks and this bridge's lugs are soldered more near to ground and B- tracks. I've replaced this two bridges with a bigger one on the bottom of the pcb.
In the emitter of Q8 i found erratics voltage readings, but when i put the multimeter positive probe in any diode or resistor around Q8, the amp start to work perfect.
I did power on and off the amp several times with the oscilloscope and audio generator, and the amp worked perfect. I returned the amp to my friend and he has playing with it about 2 hours and the same issue came back.
Wednesday i take the pcb off and take some measurements in the transistors and all was OK. I power ON the amp with the dummy load and osciloscope in the speaker output but witouth the input signal cable, then R18 and Q15 blow off. I replaced those and power On again without the dummy load and don't blow anything. I measured power transistors, drivers and diodes 1N4148 and all are good.
I need some advices please, i have to much experience with vaccum tube amplifiers, but solid state amplifiers don't like me and I don't like they jajajjajaja
Thank you.
When I put the oscilloscope in the speaker output with a 8 ohms dummy load and 1khz sine wave in the fx loop return, I see only a semicicle of the sine wave signal.
I found the B+ supply has an arcing with ground. B+ has two wire bridges over the B- and ground tracks and this bridge's lugs are soldered more near to ground and B- tracks. I've replaced this two bridges with a bigger one on the bottom of the pcb.
In the emitter of Q8 i found erratics voltage readings, but when i put the multimeter positive probe in any diode or resistor around Q8, the amp start to work perfect.
I did power on and off the amp several times with the oscilloscope and audio generator, and the amp worked perfect. I returned the amp to my friend and he has playing with it about 2 hours and the same issue came back.
Wednesday i take the pcb off and take some measurements in the transistors and all was OK. I power ON the amp with the dummy load and osciloscope in the speaker output but witouth the input signal cable, then R18 and Q15 blow off. I replaced those and power On again without the dummy load and don't blow anything. I measured power transistors, drivers and diodes 1N4148 and all are good.
I need some advices please, i have to much experience with vaccum tube amplifiers, but solid state amplifiers don't like me and I don't like they jajajjajaja
Thank you.