Hi-Tech PICC weirdness

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August Treubig said:
Thanks for the link about the inexpensive AGM1264F's. Two of them arrived today. Got 2 for the price I was going to eventually pay for one.
Pretty good price, huh? I bought three.

I'm just debugging my rasterizer for the display. I'm getting unexpected and just plain wrong results from my display data reads, which of course scrambles what I write to the screen, as I read first and then OR my new pixel into that byte and write it back out. Much confusion and debugger time ensues.

I'll get it eventually, but it's sure eating up the hours. Once I can output in cartesian coords it will be easy to do things with the display.
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Its Alive

I got the first one up using Pommie's display stuff from last year. Also finally got Bill's LCD demo to work using a regular LCD. Changes need to be made to both to work:
Change to Pommie's code. Probally the key is the oscillator setting
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSC_HS, WDT = OFF, LVP = OFF, PBADEN = OFF
and for Bill:

;        org     0x000
Had to comment out the org and put a "code" command.
Hehehe! Rasterizer complete. It's not speedy (yet), but it works perfect. Check my site in 10 minutes or so for details.
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