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New Member
plsss help me on my microcontrollers project
any project will long as its simple to construct...
include all data plsss
schematic diagram,circuit,pcb layouts and program...plssss ..
barely needed!!!
There's a phrase called "crash-and-burn". Can you guess which stage you are in?

I hope you fail (unless you truly get your act together). YOu can't just come online and ask for someone else to do your entire project for you in a few minutes, especially when the project is supposed to be done by you over a few months.
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You can always tell when a new semester is is flooded with homework posts (more specifically final year project posts).

So forgive me if I seem very irritable now and am being overly blunt in my responses. I'm sick of responding to all these posts in the past week or so but I can't leave them alone either.
Wow I didn't realize that people just got on forums and bluntly requested people to design them something. I kinda get if you have the idea and ask for some help or explanation on it (especially if you're a beginner) but man I thought when you got to that level in college studying that particular subject that you would know enough not to really have to ask that many questions and especially not have to have anyone design it for you. That kinda defeats the fun of electronics to me I feel more accomplished when I make my own design then go try it and it works, plus I usually gain some knowledge by doing it that gives me another idea of how to add some more functionality to what I'm making or sometimes even a totally different way of doing it. I feel that if you simply follow someone elses plan its kind of unfufilling because you already know its going to work and what it does. Whats fun about that? You're just simply mindlessly replicating something someone else has built. Sorry for that and nothing against the original poster but with others seeming upset by the requests and kind of venting in this thread I just thought I would throw in my thoughts and observations about this site. I thought it was more of a bunch of hobbiests gathering together chatting about electronics and stuff but the last few days theres been a bunch of threads just requesting projects.
Everything is ready and done. All hardware soldered and function tested. Even the project report has been written and binded.

Just email the name of college, course attended and the student's name so that these can be added to the cover of the final report.

Oh what a wonderful world!
William At MyBlueRoom said:
LOL, I still think there should be a do my homework for me category.

I was thinking about that the other day. The admin should make one and the mods can lock and drop kick these topics in there..... They really don't add much to the wealth of info here.
Good idea and make it so the only people who can see the posts are the people who posted them, also anyone who posts in that section should get a negitive reputation!
They should also make the location field compulsory, as well as age (date of birth). Then by simply filtering out the "country with the most Help Me requests" move all these posts to the ID10T category.
we should take it a step further - allow commerial companies to post design requests. We'll do all the design work for them and them give them all the data - they can go ahead and patent it and sell it for a ton of money.

Back in my day homework assignments meant spending hours in the library pouring through data books.
Now the preferred method is postings in various forums and then playing on-line game while waiting for someone to post the answer back in the forum.

Of course the title has to be carefully constructed so some innocent users would fall for it and give the answers. I can think of a few.

"Hardest problem: none of my classmates has an answer"

"Professor said this would take a whole day to solve"

"It simply cannot be done, I give up"

"I bet no one can solve this, my teacher can't"

The lists go on.
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