I've been looking around and am having a bit of trouble finding an appropriate circuit for my purpose. I'm a bit new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'll start by explaining the purpose of this as best I can. I want to combine two stereo audio signals (both trs style connections) into one stereo audio signal (again a trs style connection). The two audio sources are an iPod and a PSP. I would like to keep the circuit as simple and small as possible (not due to lack of skill but because of extremely limited space as all this will be combined into the compact space of the PSP).
I have seen this thread here:
Simple Stereo Audio Mixer (Two RCA in, One RCA out) - Page 2 - All About Circuits Forum
but I am not quite sure that any of these circuits meet my needs. If one of the circuits does and I have overlooked it please let me know.
One other question:
I would like to be able to control the level of each source (ie. if I want to hear more of the iPod and less PSP or vice versa), so if both sources have volume controls wouldn't adding gain/volume controls into the circuit be redundant?
I'll start by explaining the purpose of this as best I can. I want to combine two stereo audio signals (both trs style connections) into one stereo audio signal (again a trs style connection). The two audio sources are an iPod and a PSP. I would like to keep the circuit as simple and small as possible (not due to lack of skill but because of extremely limited space as all this will be combined into the compact space of the PSP).
I have seen this thread here:
Simple Stereo Audio Mixer (Two RCA in, One RCA out) - Page 2 - All About Circuits Forum
but I am not quite sure that any of these circuits meet my needs. If one of the circuits does and I have overlooked it please let me know.
One other question:
I would like to be able to control the level of each source (ie. if I want to hear more of the iPod and less PSP or vice versa), so if both sources have volume controls wouldn't adding gain/volume controls into the circuit be redundant?