help with programing 16f690

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Kingdom Man

New Member
Hello all! I am just a new beginner and am very exited about all this programming, I have been working through some problems and have made some success on my own but now I am looking for some help.
Here is my code, I know its super simple to you guys, but like I said Im learning...

#include <>
org 0

banksel PORTA
clrf PORTA ;Init PORTA
banksel ANSEL ;Bank 2
clrf ANSEL ;digital I/O
bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Select register page 1
clrf TRISC ;set I/O pins on PORTC to output
movlw b'00000001'
movwf TRISA ;set I/O pin RA0 to input
bcf STATUS,RP0 ;back to register page 0
movlw b'00001111'
movwf PORTC ;set i/o pins RC0-RC3 high
goto run
btfsc PORTA,0 ;skip next if PORTA high
movlw b'00001111'
movwf PORTC ;set all portc high
btfss PORTA,0 ;skip next if PORTA low
movlw b'00000000'
movwf PORTC ;set i/o pins RC0-RC3 low
goto run ;keep checking input status


this code works for setting all my output pins high on port c when the input on port a is in a certain state High or low, but what I want to learn how to do now is set the input pin to monitor a thermistor, and I want to be able to learn how to set different setpoints for my output. for instance if I want to trigger my outputs high when the input see`s 2 volts how do i do this?
One way is to use one of the analog comparators and the programmable voltage reference, the other is to measure it with the A/D converter.
The comparator is how I'd do it.
Kingdom Man

I am still waiting for you to answer my email - I have said I will help you with this, but I can't help if you don't or wont talk to me!

So I have been going over what you guys discussed there, and I am wondering how I can set up the code to set the output high at 1v and set it low again at .8v. I want to be able to set up my trigger points kinda like you did in your code, but now quite sure what the commands are for what I want to do. I only need to learn how to trigger one output based on an input voltage, similar to what you have done in your code
	CBLOCK 		0x020
	#define _1VOLT 0x33
	#define _2VOLT 0x66
	#define _2_5VOLT 0x7F
	#define _3VOLT 0x99
	#define _4VOLT 0xCC
	#define _5VOLT 0xFF
I'm guessing there would be a better way for me to set up the voltage scaling if Im just wanting to have two set points in the voltage range??
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Kingdom Man

I am still waiting for you to answer my email - I have said I will help you with this, but I can't help if you don't or wont talk to me!

Hey how are you, I have emailed you twice, I dont know what happened? If you have another email let me know or we can talk on private message...
You would check for .8 volts like this
#define _.8VOLT 0x28
It's Decimal 5.5 for 10th of volt to 255 for 5volts
You would check for .8 volts like this
#define _.8VOLT 0x28
It's Decimal 5.5 for 10th of volt to 255 for 5volts

Hey do you think you could give me a full program that would set up all the ports and adc converter and whatever else is needed to monitor an input and trigger an output? I am still very new, and I do feel that I am learning as I have successfully done some simple programs, but I am not good enough to know what to do with what you gave me there.
If you could just write a program that would simply set my output pin high when it hits any given voltage (eg: .8 volts) I could then go through all the commands and see what you did, and learn all the meanings of the different commands. I would really appreciate the help, thanks
Here have a look I didn't try it but it should work
	list		p=16f690		; list directive to define processor
	#include	<>		; processor specific variable definitions
	errorlevel -302 ; Turn off banking message
                            ; known tested (good) code


	CBLOCK 		0x020
	#define _.8VOLT 0x28
	#define _1VOLT 0x33
	#define _2VOLT 0x66
	#define _2_5VOLT 0x7F
	#define _3VOLT 0x99
	#define _4VOLT 0xCC

	ORG			0x000		; processor reset vector
  	goto		init		; go to beginning of program

	ORG			0x004	    ; interrupt vector location

     bsf       STATUS,RP0     ; select Register Page 1
     movlw     0xFF
     movwf     TRISA          ; Make PortA all input
     clrf      TRISC          ; Make PortC all output
     movlw     0x10           ; A2D Clock Fosc/8
     movwf     ADCON1
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; back to Register Page 0

     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 2
     bsf       STATUS,RP1     
     movlw     0xFF           ; we want all Port A pins Analog
     movwf     ANSEL
     bcf       STATUS,RP0     ; address Register Page 0
     bcf       STATUS,RP1
     clrf	   ADCON0
     movlw     0x01
     movwf     ADCON0         ; configure A2D for Channel 0 
     call	adcdelay		  ;delay to charge cap
     bsf       ADCON0,GO      ; start conversion
     btfss     ADCON0,GO      ; this bit will change to zero when the conversion is complete
     goto      $-1
    movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
	movwf	 PORTC
	goto      MainLoop
    movlw 	_1VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan1V                ; Branch if less than 1V

	movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_2VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan2V                ; Branch if Between 1V and 2V
	movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_2_5VOLT
    subwf 	ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan2_5V             ; Branch if Between 2V and 2.5V

	movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_3VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan3V                ; Branch if Between 2.5V and  3V
	movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_4VOLT
    subwf 	ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan4V                ; Branch if Between 3V and 4V
	movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_.8VOLT
    subwf 	ADRESH, w
	BNC 	LessThan.8V                ; Branch if Between 3V and 4V
    goto      MainLoop
	bsf 	PORTC,0
	bsf		PORTC,1
	bsf		PORTC,2					; lights led thats in volt range 
	bsf		PORTC,3 
    bsf		PORTC,4	  
	bsf		PORTC,5

	 nop					  ;1 cycle

	 return					  ;4 cycles (including call)
Thanks Burt, but is there any way you can show me how to trigger one output with one variable voltage input? this is two complicated for me, I need to see just the basics of one output being triggered, hope you understand?
With this part
 movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw     _.8VOLT
    subwf     ADRESH, w
    BNC     LessThan.8VOLT                ; Branch if less than 1V 
    bcf     PORTC,0          [COLOR="Red"] ;set to bsf to turn off [/COLOR] ;This was turning on a led you can 
    return             ;set to do what you want
Just change the BCF to BSF to turn off the fan at .8 volts on PORTC,0
and set the 1volt to turn on PORTC,0
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Thanks so much for taking the time to help me Burt! I will go through this and see if I can make some sense of it. BTW what does BNC do? what does Branch if less than mean?
also what does the command: subwf mean?
I cant seem to figure out a way to keep my output high, what I mean is that when I put a BSF @ 1v it sets the pin high at 1v but then as soon as I go anybit lower than 1v on the input it clears the bit and the pin goes low. What I am trying to achieve is this: when the input hits 1v fan turns on, and stays on until it gets below say, .8volts
Can I write somthing like this:
 movf     ADRESH,w       ; Copy the display to the LEDs
    movlw 	_.8VOLT
    subwf	 ADRESH, w
	BNC 	MoreThan.8VOLT                ; Branch if less than 1V
	bsf 	PORTC,0
I tried this but it doesn't seem to work for me??
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Just use the two LessThan.8VOLT: and LessThan1VOLT: or you have to set all above 1 volt to turn on the same pin
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