I'm refurbishing some electronics from the yearly 2000's, some of which has seen some salt water and the connectors are badly corroded. Fortunately the PCBs are clean.
I've searched on line and they seem to be Phoenix Contact COMBICON MSTB connectors, 16 way, inline with a pitch of around 0.2" approximately 5mm.
The version I have has spring loaded clamps to secure the cables, but that's not essential, screw terminals would be OK.
They are on the RS website as a discontinued product.
They are off a CanBus System produced by Empribus as used by the Swedish Navy and Coastguard.
I just need 4 or 5.
I've searched on line and they seem to be Phoenix Contact COMBICON MSTB connectors, 16 way, inline with a pitch of around 0.2" approximately 5mm.
The version I have has spring loaded clamps to secure the cables, but that's not essential, screw terminals would be OK.
They are on the RS website as a discontinued product.
They are off a CanBus System produced by Empribus as used by the Swedish Navy and Coastguard.
I just need 4 or 5.