Help PIC16F84A

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New Member
Hi , i wanna turn a led on and then off. and that should be in a loop ..
so i have written a code. is it correct and am i supporsed to to use a cristal. of can i use the internal clock i'm Using PIC16F84A

Please help Me.

code :


bsf STATUS,5
movlw 00h
movwf TRISA
bcf STATUS,5

Start movlw 02h
movwf PORTA
movlw 00h
movwf PORTA
goto Start
I suggest you lose the antique 16F84, and use a more modern device - and my first tutorial does exactly what you want, using the F84's replacement, the 16F628 - it would be trivial to convert to the 84 if you really had to.
between movwf PORTA & movlw 00h you must have a delay.and i think there is a porb with your fuses.16f84a doesn't have internal osc.
aristos said:
between movwf PORTA & movlw 00h you must have a delay.and i think there is a porb with your fuses.16f84a doesn't have internal osc.

hey are you sure , that means i have to use an external osc ( Crystal )
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