Hardware Stack Underflow error

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New Member
Hi there! When I test my PIC, I get "Hardware Stack Underflow" from my sim. (PIC16F84A) Here is the code:

	title "Program"
	include "p16f84a.inc"

	ORG 0X000
;===== variables ===========
count1 equ 0xC
value equ 0xD

;===== end variables =======

;===== set ports ======
	bsf STATUS,RP0 ;set PORTB, 0 to input, others to output
	movlw 0x1C	   
	movwf TRISA
	movlw 0xFF
	movwf TRISB
	bcf STATUS, RP0
; ====== end ======

	movlw 0x2
	movwf PORTA

start ;========================== digit 1 ======================
	movwf value
	btfsc PORTB, 0
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB,1
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB, 2
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB, 3
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB, 4
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB, 5
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB, 6
	goto start
	btfsc PORTB, 7
	goto start
	btfsc PORTA, 4
	goto start

	btfss PORTA, 3
	goto start
loop decfsz count1,1
	goto loop
	btfss PORTA,3

	goto start
	btfsc PORTA, 2
	goto term ; calling this sub causes error!  Everything else is ok!
	goto start

	movlw 0x0
	movwf value


How can I avoid the error? Thanks much!!!!!!!!
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You have a return without a call. Change it to an infinite loop instead.
	movlw	0x0
	movwf	value
hang	goto	hang

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