half side mosfet/igbt driver chips

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hi all.
im here because of asking good igbt or mosfet drivers.
I was using ir2110 and ir2101 but all those experiments says that , ir series is dumb. A ruined lots of driver in past and now. Also tired to read tahmids.blog .
(Im using that drivers for motor control applications.)
So , im looking for both side drivers like ir series but need good ones. Do you guys have any suggestion to use xxxx chips ?
Why is dumb?
Of course ita not dumb , i said that after burnt several chips of them. And must to say , im fully respectfull designers of chip.
Its easy to burn. Very much easy. Chip is not stand to any stress. Everything is criticall when using irxxxx. And should notice that experiments are getting expensive when you start to burn
Please post the full schematic of how you're using the chip.
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